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I was really hoping for some major update to share with the thirteen or so of you that keep coming back and checking on me.  It has been over two months since I have posted an update.  To answer the question that has been asked as of late yes the site is still alive just deferred.  Right now I've been trying to put school before this as well as work.  This weekend I was planning on a few good quality computer hours instead I get to work three of my four days.  Sunday is my day off and it will be spent fixing my poor car.


Updating the image gallery.  I also sent out an update.  The Catherine Bloom Page is as good as I can make it for content.  That's all I have, eleven images.  The main page link now takes you directly to the new gallery.  I took out the thumbnails because they were part of what was taking me so long.  I found out the hard way that my FTP and Windows ME don't agree with each other.  The Gundams have been added.  A few duplicates I think but this is a quick job.  Zechs and Treize have also been added tonight.  The Group Gallery will be posted tonight but if you are watching this go up then it will be a few minutes.


Tentative Update...  I'm thinking of revamping to make things much easier on me and hopefully get something done on the image galleries.  What is the opinion on a straight display of the images?  No annoying thumbnails however there will be a slower loading time.  I'm thinking setting it up to have a one minute load time on each page for a 28.8 modem.  Sound good?  Anything better to say to that?


Well, I'm feeling better.  The outcry of love here makes me wonder if the hits to the counter aren't just bugs in the software.  My pessimism should be curbed but I don't know if I can promise that.  Long week, even longer days.  It has been full of those moments when you are recalling an occurrences from earlier in the day but it seems so long ago that you keep referring to it as if it happened yesterday.  With Chibi needing so much attention it hasn't helped.  I love the little guy but all this nursing back to health is wearing me out.  He seems to be doing better now and I've been able to leave his side to sleep more because of it.  A few weeks ago I was worried because however stress filled my life was, it was still going well.  Last time my life went so well the recoil almost got me.  This time the only damage is me being burned out and an ill rodent.  I'll have to get a picture of him for the site.

Just for POI (Point of Intrest) Mega Tokyo it is a web comic that for me at least is published locally.  I tend to think it is funny.



Still in computer limbo.  Rest assured the files are safe.  All the precious Gundam images that are and are not posted are safe. 


My life now:   I just don't know what's wrong anymore.  I sleep, I've been eating right, I've even giving myself a little me time.  Nothing helps.  I've had my blood checked again.  My thyroid is right perfect so that's not the cause.  Iron levels are normal (so those disgusting green pills prescription iron pills are working).  On a positive note my weight loss has stopped.  For those who wish to loose ten pounds a week stop right there.  That is horrid.  Your body turns against you when you loose weight that fast.  Maybe it's depression, I've been happy lately which makes me so scared.  I still fear that from over two years ago.  I've got to go.  I'm shaking now.


Busy busy busy.  The name of the game.  I still owe a few people awards, I haven't forgotten.  It had been over a month since I had done anything to the entrance of the site.  Thanks to Ember for the awesome image.  I am out of class demo work has been absorbing all my time and energy right now.  Fidget (my computer with the offline copy of this site) is in the shop right now which adds a little more difficulty to the mission of updates.  I'm working so I should be able to pay his computer medical bill by the end of the month (fingers crossed).


Yes, I am still alive.  Not by much though.  Summer Classes, you know those easy ones cause it's summer and the teachers don't want to teach and less class, and...  Well it is true they don't want to teach, however they basically dole out the normal year class in handouts (very empty handouts) and give a nice kill test.  Example I study my butt off and get a nice juicy 40%!  So much for the high road.  Ten more class days and three more tests.  I should be back in half strength at least.  I put the sights so low because of all the stuff outside the web that will be going on.  Nothing is certain in life I know this.

Oi! I almost forgot.  The translation section.  I know me baka.  The link to it is kind of up.  I have 90% of the images I wanted a translation for that I have up right now but I do not have the submission form ready yet.



As well as working on the image galleries I have been trying to think of what I could add to this site that would make it better.  I thought along the line of extras like the AIM  Buddy Icons that is still in its infancy.  I have about thirty more images that I think I can squeeze into the 5kb limit on icon size.  This is what I have come up with so far... I am working on adding a desktop area.  I also am working on an area that I need help with.  I just got the tarot cards and I so want to learn how to play.  I scanned the pages for the use of translation.  If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it.

Part 2:

I have the index of desktops up however most of the ones I have set up do not have a thumbnail yet so you are going to see a few red x images.  Don't worry.  The desktop it is linked to *should* be there.  Busy day ahead of me or I would have done more tonight.  I still have to set up the desktops I have from Scout's Site and the links back to him.  I thought it best not to post those tonight since I still have to double check that I have everything down that I need to have before using them but you will see the section for them.  Believe me his work is breathtaking.  The hardest part was picking just two.


Listening to Johnny Rivers right now while working on the image pages.  Nothing new tonight.  Relena is almost ready to be posted.  The next two in line are Zechs and Treize.  I am intentionally leaving the pilots to last just because I am doing major renovations in my archive.  I've been going through and having that feeling that I've seen that image before.  Still haven't gotten to the DVD player as far as watching things.  I could play a few through while studying but I don't have the time right now to give them the attention they need for an episode guide entry.

5/14/01 Part 2

More image gallery is up now.  Sally, Noin, and Catherine were added tonight.  These are for now finished and complete.  Good night.


I have found the ladder and got my DVD player down.  Hopefully I'll get to the episode guide in a few days.  It was an evening, or early morning whichever, of house cleaning at Midnight Wing.  I added all the awards that people were generous enough to give us.  I have also been adding to the Character Page.  Those profiles do take me some time playing with all the codes.  I'm thinking about what image to change this one to.  I'm bored with it right now. (Hai, I am playing with the image as I am writing this)  I changed the colors too.  any gripes or praise?  (Thank kami the onna changed background colors).  It might be too soon to truly mention but the webmaster of Midnight Skies has offered the space to us for sub-projects.  I've been working on a lyrics page in the background that might be posted there.  Why I offered this info out to everyone who actually read my updates is that I wanted input on what other anime subjects you want to see covered.  Please keep in mind that I'm not a total otaku.  I know very few series or movies so I could try to cover anime that I'm not familiar with but it won't have the same style as Midnight Wing if I try to do that.

Titles I know well or something about:

  • Blue Submarine 6
  • Sakura Wars
  • Darkside Blues
  • Mononoke Hime
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion (haven't seen all of it yet)

AHHHH! the street sweepers are moving again.  No sleep for me tonight with them out.  There might be another update today with them keeping me up.  For now however it is time to log-off, shut down, and attempt sleep.


Ok small update for today.  I added to the Seiyuu page and posted it.  There is hope on the group image gallery being ready for viewing soon.  *fingers crosses*  as I said before no major updates are planned until I gat back home.  I've got to earn my dollar this week in the big city.  As for finals I survived.  It was more of a "Why won't you self destruct moment?" when I saw those grades.  That and the "Omea o Kuroso" thoughts for the teachers.  What's done is done, ne.  I live on and face the new world placed before me today.  See all of you later I guess.


No nap time for the truly evil I guess.  I have a good start on the AIM page.  Today also got a shot of character profiles in.  I just drank a gallon of milk and no ill effects yet...  No work yet on the galleries yet today but the night is young.  I have to pop in a DVD to finish the episode guide but time is short, Hell week is almost upon me.



Fandom was my major project for today.  I gave up my well needed nap to get what I put up done.  I updated the Seiyuu page a little as well as the contact page.


  1. Finish Character Guide
  2. Finish Episode Guide
  3. Finish Gallery
  4. *New* AIM buddy icons

The new version of the image gallery has had some more work done to it.  Tonight I added Dorothy and started on  Hirde for the site.  I am also working on the Character guide tonight.  I'm not making any promises to what will get posted tonight.  I'm updating the polls page tonight as well as the awards page.


Off line I've been working on tumbnails for the image gallery.  Sorry I have to take this so slow but I don't want it deleted (again).  I plan to give Fandom some much needed updating.  I'm also trying hard to get the rest of the character bios up.  New is the Addition to Endless Waltz to the Episode guide.  This is still to be added but just an update to it.  I should have both the movie and OVA (OAV) up by the end of this week.  Keep your fingers crossed of course.  Right now I'm helping Joycie-chan with her page.  Oh, if I don't post another update... Happy Easter!


As noted below I had a great server that would support all the files.  Had.  Apparently uploading all of my images files in such a limited time was a breach in the TOS.  Nice of them to tell me after I had it all loaded onto their server.  I'm taking it nice and slow for now.  The young version of the "New and Improved" gallery can be found here.  Right now it just has my whole Lady Une collection.  I'd also like to thank Kacfrog711 for her help while the gallery was all still up on the evil, remaining nameless, server.  I'm trying to think up new polls with little luck.  That's really all I have to show for the week for now at least.


Working with the FTP again.  I have a new server that I am dedicating to images alone.  It has a pop-up annoyance but it has a promising outlook on being able to support my image files.  Today I am uploading them from the school line.  I have about an hour left to get this project done before class strikes again.  I'll keep you all informed as to when I can open that up to all of you.  I can't have it open right now because I have not pulled out the files that I saved from other sites for my own reference. The images that gave me the "that a great idea" samples.  Since it is just a directory right now I can not give these images just credit so until then no access.  Just to give a general idea the image count of what I have files away stands at:

  • Catherine: 10
  • Dorothy: 8
  • Duo: 185
  • Group: 294
  • Heero: 178
  • Hirde: 4
  • Misc.: 
  • Noin: 16
  • Quatre: 100
  • Relena: 27
  • Sally: 5
  • Suits: 55
  • Treize: 30
  • Trowa: 107
  • Une: 9
  • Wufei: 98
  • Zechs: 62

I'm back and still alive!  Great news, ne?  Sun is happy to see me.  His little rodent wheel is getting a workout.  However tonight is still proving to be fun as life again is working at my sanity.  I keep getting disconnected among other things...  Tonight is going to just be a catch-up night for me.  More page updates to come as usual.  I still have no response from Angelfire as to what the problem was, demo my FTP program seems to be getting past the problems for now.

3/21/01 Part 2

After much deliberation I have acquired an FTP program for the time being.  Now I just have to hook up at school with this queue feature.  I've decided I like this FTP thing.   Sorry everybody I just looked at the clock and I have to go.  I'll try to be on this later tonight but no promises.  I am going out of town for five whole days.  Wish me luck.

Ja ne


Attempt 9,999 on image uploading.   Really is getting on my nerves.  Sorry I haven't been around as of late.  Life gets in the way.  Sun is drastically re arranging his cage right now.  He looks so funny.  Ok well as for the page. (Focus)  I'm still working on the awards page as well as my webrings.  Baka Angelfire.  Still no luck on image upload right now.  I want to change the entrance image.  It might let me do that.  give me a minute here I'll try that.  I don't get it... it lets me upload that and overwrite, why not the Awards area?  Still working on all that I've promised you, demo I have been very busy.  I haven't forgotten.


Day three of image upload attempts.  My gerbil is jealous of how much time I spend at this computer trying to get this page to work again.  It seems that html files are uploading fine.  I just realized that I have never introduced you all to him.  His  name is Sun.  Sweet little guy, only about four months old.

Right now I'm listening to Two-Mix's Last Impression.  It has been a while since I have spent the time to listen to it.  My internet connection tonight is playing one of its evil tricks: kicks me off then gives me the error when I try to get back on that I am still online.  Only two more months of this.  This summer I don't know what will be happening to this page.  I might be home from college which would mean many updates since I will have the time at night to do them.  If I stay the summer to continue classes my internet access might not be very good to say the least.  Du Hast just came up on random now.  I'm sorry to have this so gloomy demo it has been a long day. I sit here lost in thought on what all is going on in the background and what is needed to be shared and what should be kept.  Sun has given up on me and is already sleeping.  I should sleep too.  I might be on ten hours for this month.  Almost midnight... how the days slips away.  I'm working on finding a good FTP program.  If there are any suggestions for one please tell me. What good are all the images on this computer if I can not share them with all of you who take the time to read what I have to say?

Songs that have come up while writing:

  • TMBG - Particle Man
  • Two-Mix - Last Impression
  • Rammstien - Du Haust 
  • Zager & Evans - In the year 2525 (got bored and skipped half way through)
  • U2 - Mysterious Ways
  • Animals - House of the Rising Sun
  • Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze
  • Guess Who - American Woman
  • Pink Floyd - Thin Ice
  • Led Zeppelin - Tangerine
  • Metallica - Enter Sandman

I'm still working on the awards page today.  Angelfire decided it wasn't in the mood to upload images anymore.  I also added to the Side Notes and Theories page.  Just a few strange things noticed that I took down.  Feel free to add, make comments, or correct anything I say.  If I was always right I wouldn't need to study, ne?  I'm also working on site awards today.  It ebbs and flows I guess all the sudden I have a ton of applications!  I have no problem with that though.


Major update on this end.  I was working on the award page that had been long neglected.  Pictures are a pain from my usual connection but I had some time to let my computer sit and stew while it uploaded so I got a few up before someone disconnected me.  Service or someone I live with it really doesn't matter, same result.  I have to go back to class soon so this will be it for now.  Luck to all for now.  See you soon.


I fixed up a few more things.  Does anyone know a hosting service (free ones only) that would allow directory uploads?  That alone would defiantly ease my image problems.  I tried to post a few of my own drawings today but the scanner is a piece of junk...  My art.  I think that's about it for now.  I'm working on another off line project right now, but as usual I hope that it will help the online progress.


Yay!  I got back for an update.  I made the new main page thing, I hope you all like it.  I think I'll do a little more to it before I settle on that one for a while.  I added more to the feedback section as well as a little work here and there on the page.  Not really anything exciting.  I tend to think that nobody ever reads this anyways because let's all face it... I get zero feedback from anything I write here.  Yes, this might be three hours of sleep over the past week talking  but this is how I'm feeling now.


Back for a minor update.  Not feeling much better demo I did get around to some updates.  I added two new polls. I also have been slightly working on the character page again.  Guess what... if it says it's not there.. it isn't!   I also archived the updates.  The archive page loads very quickly so not much lost in the link.  Mata, arigato nazo inyosuru hito!  (Again, thank you mystery quote person!)


Sorry for the lack of updates on my part.  I lost one of my heroes on Sunday.  Watching Earnhardt race was one of the few things I had left that I could do with my family that kept us together.  I'm just a little low right now.  Well on with the page stuff.  I noticed that the update page is starting to take a minute to load so I'm going to archive it.  I also added more to the Seiyuu Page and put a link to it on the main page.  Well That's all I have for now.  When I feel better I'll work on this some more.


Well my update is up for right now.  I didn't have as much time as I would have hoped to of had demo there was progress.  Switched the images around.  I like both of them so I gave the main page the image I made for the time being.  I did put the full image files on Duo and Trowa's image pages instead of the downsized versions I had up before.  I now have some Group images up too.  No page yet, but the images are on the server.  Some of them are repeats some are images I have edited for one reason or another.  I'm planning a manga page soon.  As well as a  joke page.  For things like Fandom's description of Ground Zero that is in December 15th update.  One of the newest I've seen is in the GW DVD series they have an interesting spelling of Quatre in an episode title.  On the top of the sheet they spell it Quatre, his name is also in the last episode on this DVD spelled Quattre.  Love how proof reading has gone completely out of style on things like that.  I know I make mistakes too demo I don't sell them.   


Nothing new for me to be saying this demo I have not been able to get on the internet as much as I would have hoped to.  Good news!  I will be hooked to the T1 tomorrow so some progress should be made pretty quick soon.  I plan to get as much up as I can.  Even if I only get some images up it wouldn't be the end of the world.  That is that hard part.  Linking is easy.  Well, that's all for now I'd say.  I'm working on the main page again and I hope to have all the options up ASAP.


Good morning all you night owls.  Well I have the image page up to it's new format from what I already had up.  Sorry no new additions yet to them.  I'm not at my computer so I can't exactly load my image collection tonight.  Maybe tonight (being at least another 8 hours away when I say this) I can get online and add a few more images to the Gallery.  I'd be awesome if I could get to the school T1.  That would just make life easier.  ... and with this I will leave you for sleep.  I've been advised to get some or headaches will be the least of my problems.


I'm back from the test wars.  I was told one in a joke that all the professors come together and plan one week to give all their tests on.  Kitto, you've gotten my life update for the time being.  New plans have come up.  In an effort to make a better Gallery (cause we all know mine needs major help right now)  I will be spending the next bit of time in my life making thumbnails and links to the regular sized ones.  This is instead of how I currently have it with the normal images shrunk down to fit a few on a page.  This should also cut down on the load time too.  I'll tell you all when I have a good hold on that but for now that's all I have.  You might see some of it pop up tonight.


New month.  I know I said I wouldn't be back for updates, demo I guess I lied.  This is more of a study break or sanity relief I'd say.  Well no real work on the page other than I'd like to say "Domo Arigatou!" to the great person who added all those great quotes yesterday night.  As I said study break, back to the books for me.


I'd like to apologize for Angelfire's evil behavior yesterday.  It deleted the main page as well as most of Midnight Wing.  Well, all I can say is that I was lucky to have just backed up Midnight Wing on my little computer.  Sorry to all of you who came here in the past hours Midnight Wing was down.  Especially thanks to Dave who e-mailed me that there was a problem.  I wasn't planning to come back here until after all my tests this week. That's all I have for now for Midnight Wing.  As for me it's back to books, class, and more books.  Wish me luck! (I'll need it).  Awk! My leg's asleep again.  Ok, maybe I need more than luck.  I plan to be back to updating on Wednesday night.  See ya then.  Tell me if I forgot anything.


New week, new definition of fun.  Well a little more change for tonight.  I have all my memberships and Webrings on their own page.  I also updated who has won Midnight Wing's Awards.  That's about it for tonight.


Happy New Year.  Sorry, a bit late on that.  The update is this.  At long last I am going through my e-mails and sorting them out and answering them all.  Yes, I do read them as soon as I get them it's just that sometimes it takes me a bit of tie to post things.  I'm working on the awards page tonight.  I wish I could do more but it has been a long day and for once I think I might even sleep.


I knew all those updates were too good to be true.  New stuff I'm working on.  Our site now has free e-mail for you.  I am also adding a new area since I'm now starting to get feedback, as well as giving polls their own page to clear the main page up a bit.  I'm still at a loss on how to organize the feedback type page. It might just be my music that is depressing me right now, but I can't tell if it is that or my long day in general.  Sleep comes to mind, demo I'd never do that this early!  Ha!  Got online... only took ten minutes today to not get a busy signal.  


Wow! Two days in a row for updates, must be a record for me.  I have the Seiyuu page up but nothing linked to it except for here for the time being.  I plan to link it to the character page when I get some time.  


Ok something small nothing big here.  My classes are kicking my ... ok keeping this clean.  I'm having a hard time believing this to only be the first week with all that has been piled on me already!  Ok enough on my pathetic little life, ne?  The update is that I have the links page up.  Most of it is in no order whatsoever and I am working on that when I pull away from a book for 5 minutes.  If your page is on the list and has a banner you want with your link than tell me.  If you page isn't on the list tell me that too and I'll add it to the listing.

One last thing.  I have added Seiyuu to my records of GW and will try to get that up on the character guide ASAP. That's all I have for now.  Who knows I might have more time to update later today.  I might even get enough of my work done to really do something.


Well Win an Award wasn't as up as I thought.  I'm getting those images up right away.  I also noticed that the link was a little funky on the main page.  This, also has been fixed.  I have also at long last added episode 20 to the guide. I have also updated the awards Midnight Wing has won.  

Project Update:

  • Character Guide: I'm working on that still.  Have faith.
  • Episode Guide: Online and done as I can have it right now.
  • Contact Page: Up and running.
  • Fandom: New artwork to be posted soon!
  • Opening image: Still working on that one...
  • Banners: Up and ready to use.

Feels so weird to write that.  At long last one of the projects has been completed!  The new Fandom Design is done and has new fan fiction to go with it!  The amazing thing is that I'm getting all this done with no access to my files right now due to the fact that my computer is not here.  The main page has a had a small facelift to say.  I have the page up to win an award.  Just click the submission button, fill out the form and there you go.  For some reason I can't get my HTML gear to work right now.  It might just be my connection too.  

Project Update:

  • Character Guide: Still in background work for now
  • Episode Guide:  I have 20 I just have to get it on the page.  The other missing ones will have to wait until CN runs GW again.
  • Contact Page: Ready for posting as soon as I get back to my computer.
  • Win an Award: Up and ready!
  • Fandom: Up and ready!
  • Opening Image:  I'm lacking inspiration right now for that
  • Banners: Completed and ready for posting as soon as I get back to my computer.
  • Adding to Fandom:  What I'm working on now!
Past Updates