Hangman's Tree


  1. Why are people so stupid?
  2. Why are people so apt to believe the media and the government?
  3. Why don't people question authority figures more often?
  4. Why has the human race lost most of its sense of honor and respect?
  5. Why can't the stupid people die young, rather than the good?
  6. Why do older folks dirve great, big, pigmobile cars like the Crown Victoria and the Caprice, especially those that are blue or white?
  7. Why are teenagers profiled by cops more than elderly people?  Teenagers have faster reflexes than a ninety-year old woman.
  8. Why does racial profiling still occur?
  9. Why is the greek system still in place?  It only promotes alcohol, drugs, unprotected sex, and other forms of violence.  Guys are likely to have inflated egos and gals are likely to become more superficial and naive.  Never a day in my life have I witnessed greek philanthropy do much more than provide more beer money for friday night's kegger.
  10. Why do people wear so much perfume or cologne?  I think it is awefully a lot like sniffing glue or paint and I nearly always feel ill after being around someone who wears perfume or cologne.
  11. Why are alcohol and nicotine such socially acceptible addictions?
  12. If alcohol and nicotine, why not marijuana, peyote and 'shrooms?
  13. Why isn't evolution accepted by otherwise intelligent beings?
  14. Why don't you and I write our own operating system?
  15. Why doesn't Corporate America let us have good bands hit the Top 40?
  16. Why are Americans (US) sooo lazy, yet so tied to careers?
  17. Why can't I find any information on:
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    1. Interpretive Concepts
    2. Threads
    3. Device Driver Design

My Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

  1. Wait.  This FAQ isn't a normal FAQ.  Why is that?
  2. Why is the first question, the first question?
  3. What if I have an answer for you?
  4. What if I have a question of my own?


  1. This FAQ is a list of questions I frequently ask.  It is meant to get answers to questions I am not able to find answers to or are rhetorical in nature (just to be silly).
  2. The first question is the first question becuase it is the root question of most of my questions.
  3. If you have an answer for me, email me at darken725@hotmail.com.  If I think it is worthy of posting here, I'll do so.
  4. Create your own 'My FAQ' page.
  © Copyright 2003  darken725@hotmail.com