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                                              The Talented Mr. Nehmer





"I will miss supplying the alcoholics of Flint with their fuel to continue their ways."

-Matt Nehmer, on his last day of work at Rite-Aid

This page is dedicated to the effervescent, dignified, gallant Matthew Albert Nehmer.  Hopefully, this page will serve to inform future investors of who is playing a crucial role in managing your money.  Remember, he is a Michigan Business School student, a program that ranks among the Top 5 in the nation.  Ladies, believe it or not, he IS single.  Please see the contact page to email him.  Due to the high volume of calls that will no doubt be received, the SDW fund refuses to release his phone number.  Matt, thanks again...the SDW truly appreciates your relentless effort.



Okay, easy, Mr. Nehmer...I'm so sorry to have touched your alarm clock (his biggest pet peeve)...but is that evil glare REALLY necessary? 


Mr. Nehmer, in action bright and early.  Matt rises early to see Joe, Maria, and the rest of the CNBC gang.  


The meticulous Matt, right before his morning shower...the only time his hair is not perfect...approximately 7 hrs. ago, before going to bed, he took his nightly shower.  Who in their right mind takes a shower right before bed and right after rising?



As you can see, even Matt needs a break from looking at SEC filings and company data.


The infamous SDW bet - after Super Bowl Sunday 2000, Matt didn't think that Kendall could make 30% in a month (what many funds do in a year).  Kendall bet 10 SDW shares, Matt put his perfectly parted (on the right side), medium length locks on the line.  If he lost, he would have to get a buzz cut, a la Super Bowl MVP Kurt Warner.  We can see who won the bet...and strangely enough, Matt has kept the Kurt Warner style up to this day.



This picture was taken from the July '00 issue of GQ.


Also taken from the same issue of GQ.  One may wonder what  Mr. Nehmer is thinking at times.  Nevertheless, a solid, if not sexy action pose.


Admire Mr. Nehmer - at his other job.  You aren't the only one doing the admiring - notice the big smile on his co-worker's face.  We can only imagine how difficult it is being a sex symbol working at Rite-Aid.


Romeo Nehmer: "Thy eyes, fairer than all the blue chips.  Thy lips, more sensuous than the Philidelphia Semiconductor Index.  The passion thou bringeth me, more fiery than the newest networking IPO."  



Good night, Mr. Nehmer.  Possibly  dreaming of RFMD's newest radio frequency amplifier or JDSU's newest fiber-optic lasers...but most likely fantasizing about  the beautiful Asian girls he encounters nightly on the 4th floor of the UGLi.