I've been accumulating a number of programming tips and snippets for a while now. Mostly just as I find a need for something myself. Sometimes somebody asks me to write a little script or a program to do this or that.
Some time ago as I was going over things, consolidating several piles of floppies, CDs, and saved emails I realized that if some of these things were cleaned up other people might benefit from them. A lot of this stuff is just the kind of thing I madly search the web for when I'm trying to solve a problem.
In some cases a little polishing might produce something of shareware grade but that has never been my goal. If nothing else by making these things available here I can feel like I've given back just a little to the community that has helped me so much. I just want to share things that might otherwise sit on my virtual "shelf." Often these are presented in object-only form because I haven't had time to write up a description of them. Sometimes there are no special or unique concepts to pass along, but the tool itself might be useful to others.
That's a reflection of the dual-market nature of this outlet (web site). In some cases I'm trying to assist other programmers, while in others I'm just trying to provide some small but hopefully useful tool to Windows users.
This started life as a quicky web site so that as I polish an item up I can post it where people might come looking for it. As so many of us find these days, the pace of everyday life increases to a point where it can be difficult to allocate one's personal resources. I apologize for placing the updating of this web site so low on the list of priorities, with the result that updates have been very rare.
I hope to be able to get back to regular updates, and I hope you get the chance to check back once in a while. I also hope you find a thing or two here of some use to you.
- Bob Riemersma
As we all know the Internet's users and abusers have made life more difficult than it ought to be for all of us. Email address harvesters seem to stalk the web like Toecutter's gang (Mad Max, 1979). Here's my own attempt at a bot-resistant address: