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A simple VBScript implementation of QuickSort.


From time to time the need arises to sort a small to medium sized array of text or even numbers in VBScript. This might be in a web page on the client side, in an ASP page, or even in a stand-alone desktop Windows Script File (.WSF).

A solution 

If your needs are modest and the list of data is short there is no need to search out an array-sort component and deal with ActiveX download warnings and such.

The array size must be reasonable to avoid stack-overflows, since this algorithm is coded using extensive recursion - a hallmark of QuickSort.  I can't take the credit, the logic was taken straight from an old Microsoft DOS Basic example. A little tweaking and enhancement and voila!

For most purposes you'll want to rework quicksort.vbs a bit.  For example a version that sorts a 2-dimensional array using one column as the sort key would be more practical than this bare-bones sort routine.

Download it here and start expanding on it.

December 2001