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A Tribute To My Sister "Diana"

page 5

She was starting back at her poem writing. She would have nothing to do with group sessions. I decided I would start reading up on her cancer. I borrowed some books from the doctor she worked for. I went to the library and got all I could from there. I had a dictionary that was for medical terms so I could understand what I was reading. Soon there was nothing they could tell us that we would not understand. I also found out that her cancer would come back being it was in the fourth stage. God I could not believe what I was reading. How could I tell her this? Did I want to tell her this? I talked to the doctor about it and he said yes it was going to come back some day even if she went into remission. We soon learned as she would go for her treatment they would take a blood test a few days before and they would tell us what her counts were and knew how close and how far away her remission was. 

One morning she woke up screaming and I ran to her room and in her hands was her hair. It had started to fall out. My Diana always wanted to look good. Even in the hospital, she had to have her makeup on. No matter how sick she was, she had to have it on except when we were alone. She finally lost all of it. One day she was in the bathroom just laughing up a storm. I went in and she said I look like a bald eagle. I died laughing and she was in such bad moods that I told her when she was in one of those moods she looked like a screaming bald eagle so from then on that is what I called her and she loved it. We had fun shopping for wigs. She knew it would grow back when the treatments stopped. She went and had a picture made at glamour shots looking very sexy with dark long hair. 

I will never forget the day we went into the doctor’s office and we were told she was in remission. You never heard two Cajuns yelling and jumping and just so happy. Then he told her the cancer would come back, maybe not in the same place but it would come back some day. And only God would know when. She turned around to him and said no way it is not coming back. 

She lived her days like she never did before. She was so happy in what ever she was doing. She was writing poetry all the time. I had all of them in a folder but lost them during my divorce except the one I had on yatzze paper and the first one she ever wrote. And that one is very special to me. My youngest brother is in prison, and I probably won’t ever get to see the day he gets out. It is his third time in for drugs. Diana and I would go see him together on our trips to M. D. Anderson hospital. 

She was finally getting her hair back and back to her old self but she always told me she never felt the same as she did before the cancer. She started dating again and met a man.

That was one thing she always thought she would not have again. She fell in love with him and after awhile they became engaged. She was getting some of her poetry published and tried out for a talent contest on one of the local Dallas TV stations and was asked to be a guest instead of a contestant. That was a big moment in her life, to finally feel like she was a talented person. Which I knew that all along. Then she got married after about a year in a little Victorian town called Jefferson, Texas. There were a lot of little bread and breakfast inns.

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