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A Tribute To My Sister "Diana"

page 6

(Thank you Penny for making this Graphic for me.)

She and her husband got them a home and she loved flowers everywhere. She planted every spot she could find. I knew she loved life like she never had before. She was starting not to feel very good sometimes and would get tired easy. I was starting to get nervous about it. It was time for her to get a check up. 

We went back to Houston to the hospital and they started running all kinds of test on her. I felt so sorry for her. She went through a lot of painful ones. I would wish all the time it was me not her. Then we went back to Dallas to see her cancer doctor there for the results. I already knew what they were and so did she. Her, her husband and I went to see her doctor and we were all sitting in his office. She was so scared I wished so much it would have been me taking the pain away from her. Then the doctor told us the cancer was back. I felt so cold at that moment because I had read and studied so much to know that when it would return in fourth stage she probably would not make it long afterwards.

They wanted her to go through a different chemo treatment. So, it was off to Houston again. This time they wanted her to have a bone marrow transplant form her bone marrow they took from her while she was in remission after the chemo was done. She was going down more and more. She decided against the transplant, that would bring her closer to death then she had already been and was not a for sure thing. Then the chemo was not working so they started radiation on her. That was not working either so they finally told us she was going to die and there was nothing else they could do. My life seemed like it-ended right there. We called hospice, it is a program I believe in so much. They come in when you are dying and take care of you; they furnish all equipment you need like hospital bed and just everything for you to die at home. It is for those who are tired and just don’t want to prolong life and you are not in pain. They make sure of that. Thank God for hospice. My mother was on hospice so we knew what to do. 

I was hurting so bad to know I was finally loosing her, I just could not believe she was going to die, my precious sister, my child. 

I could not face it at all. After all she and I had been through, I was starting to go a little crazy. I was trying to run from her dying. I had even turned away from God and all my family. She would call me everyday wanting me to come. I would always give her an excuse not to. I knew there was a nurse that would come everyday to see her and make sure she was not in no pain. I just kept running and running from her. Then she called me one day and told me she knew what I was doing and she was so right. We knew each other like a book. She begged me to come and reminded me that I told her I would always be there till the end. That is when I could run no longer. I moved in with her. 

She would never get into the hospital bed next to her bed. It was like giving up to her. I would crawl up in bed with her, we would read the bible, and I would sing to her. She loved to here me sing. I would sing a lot when we were going to church. She loved country gospel. She got very close to God and was not afraid to die. She would always tell me she was going to go and make a place for all of us. One day she told me “see I told you I had to die before you” and she just laughed. We talked a lot about all the things we had done together like we would get in a roll and dance like the Supremes, making up our own steps to the 50’ music. That was even after we had grown up. If someone could of seen us they probably would of thought we were nuts. We talked about her dying a lot. And what she wanted to be done after she passed. She wanted her body to go to cancer research. But if they would not take her, she wanted to be buried by my mother. She had promised my mother that. But before she could get a plot next to her, it was already bought. So, she could always figure out another way if one way would not work. She wanted to have a big funeral with lots of flowers, she always loved being the center of attention and this was no different. Then she wanted to be cremated and her ashes are placed in my mother’s grave. I thought that was crazy but it was her wish. She always thought our brothers did not love her because of her free spirited life; they are old fashion country boys. They came one at a time with their family up to Dallas and spent a lot of time with her. They would get up in the bed and talk for hours. She really found out they did love her and it made her so very happy. She was still full of spunk to the end. 

Her husband could not spend a lot of time with her because of work and he really did not know her as well as her family. She felt and so did we that he married her for her money and knew she would die young. But that is another story.

Thank you Penny for this graphic


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