

Kitty Status

True Hero's


10 very good reasons for someone to dislike most of the technological advancements in the business world.
Here are some very good reasons why getting "wired" in a business could be a bad thing.  Especially for the older people left in our very busy working world.

I hate Car's!!!
Sense my accident I have learned a few things about cars
     1.  They will always cost a lot of money no matter what you do.
     2.  Nobody likes you if you don't have one in Michigan.
     3.  There is nothing to gain fanatical wise by owning one either.  One of the worst investment of anyone's life is buying a car.

This site inspired me to view my opinion.

An ode to our monopoly money hungry bustard!!

Hey! Don't touch me! I'll call my lawyers!

A weekly newsletter on hating computers

(I have dreams like this, daydreams)




Hate Technology?


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