The Empire Monkey


Kitty Status

True Hero's

the beginning
2002 summer
First semester

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May 16, my URL forwarding provider has dropped their services... And since ( is probably too long for even me to remember I did some research and now I have went with  So now for all my die hard fans and me it has been changed to which is much easer to remember and is easer on the fingers.

May 15
Reloaded-wow-two hours of build up to a let down.  Now I have to wait till November to finish this trilogy.  Oh well-its worth the 7.50$ for all you matrix fans and full of action.  If you don't have the cash you can visit the Matrix for downloads and other titillating features to hold you off until you can scrape together the needed cash to watch it.

May 11
Here we are practicing some aggression on the ever hated 56k modem that will take advantage of you every single time it can first with the noise, then the sloooooooowwwwwwwwwnnnnnnneeeesss, and to cap it off it will hang up on you just for fun.  This is how we repaid the devils phone line demon.

To fix this problem for all you 56k users out there, take out the modem and dispense of it to your liking, you don't need to paint it like we did. and then call up your local cable company and ask for high speed internet.  They will do the rest and here is one reason to switch among all the other great reasons.

May 9
Man it has been a long time even sense I have looked at this, oh well, there will be more material and updates coming soon I promise.  Try sometime next week Monday.


Dirty Needle
Insanity Test

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