Here at Kaapio Acres we take pride in our breeding
program. We not only breed for excellence in milk production and
conformation, but also for longevity. We have been working with the
Nigerians since 1994. We have the pleasure of boasting about our
foundation animals coming from such herds as Rosasharn, Goodwood, Gay-Mor,
Piddlin Acres, Twin Creeks and Brush Creek. We show our Nigerians at the
Michigan shows, and have expanded our show season to some out of state
shows including this years AGS National Show in Delaware, Ohio.
We were the first to
introduce the Nigerian Dwarf goats to our county fair. Our first year at
fair proved to be very interesting as the fair board made the decision
that our Nigerians would have to show in the Alpine classes as they
resembled the Alpines the most. Much to their surprise, and might I add,
our surprise, our Jr. doe took first in her class, and went on to take
Champion Jr. Doe, against some pretty tough competition. Needless to say
we were very proud to be Nigerian Dwarf breeders. Our fair has since
included classes for Nigerians in the fair agenda.
The years we have been working with this breed have been very rewarding
for us. We have been honored with many Grand Champion and Reserve Champion
along with some Best Udder wins at the shows, with our most recent
accomplishment being given the title of
"Michigan's All Time Breed Leader" for Nigerians on official
milk test. We have only been on DHI or "Official Milk Test" since the
spring of 2000. There were nine Nigerian does in Michigan making the
honors list for milk production, we had three of our does placed, 1st, 3rd
and 5th in the top five in the Michigan honorable mention standings. Our
1st place doe won all three categories placing at the top in not only milk
production, but also butterfat and Protein. What a thrill it was for us to
achieve this in such a short period in time. And the story does not end
here, when we received our copy of the American
Goat Society's "Top Ten" Milk Production Awards we were blown
away to find that we had placed 7th for the Butterfat awards and 9th for
the Protein awards. We also had the lowest somatic cell count making us
the All Time Breed Leader for this award. It is the second doe we have had
placed in this award. Wow! What a great year it has been for us.
We test yearly for CAE (Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis), TB (Tuberculosis)
and Johnnes with Negative results to date. We have not had any animals
with CL (Caseous Lymphadenitis).
We also have annual visits by Harvey Considine for our HES (Herd
Evaluation Service). And we are on Official Milk Test,(DHIA) with our
Nigerian does.
We are members in the American Goat Society (AGS), the American Nigerian
Dwarf Dairy Association (ANDDA), the American Dairy Goat Association
(ADGA) and the Michigan Dairy Goat Society, (MDGS).
So relax and feel free to browse around our Nigerian pages. If you have
any questions or comments, we would love to hear from you.
Most Sincerely,
Ward and Deena