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:: Vs. the AI ::
Most anything will work once or twice, without fear of retaliation. But, once the AI "learns", it will not make the same mistake again. If Kano performs his cannonball and you leg sweep underneath it, he will execute the cannonball every time you leg sweep--at least, until the end of the round. The following round you can try it again, but he'll learn quicker.

When the round starts, you can usually jump towards your opponent and kick them while they will shoot a projectile underneath you. Immediately after landing, jump away.

Execute your projectile once or twice. The first time, it really doesn't matter how far away you are. To succeed in hitting your opponent with the projectile, either do it very far away or just at medium range. If you do it from a large distance away, the AI cannot do anything, even if they jump over it. If you do it from medium range, the computer will be forced to block or crouch, and his retaliation will be late enough for you to block.

Roundhouse a few times, at the limit of your reach (Raiden, Sub-Zero, and Scorpion are the best). The AI usually won't block it. If your opponent sweeps you once when you do the roundhouse, don't roundhouse at all--at least, not in that round.

Jump kick your opponent a few times, and remember to press the button early (unless you're going for a combo). If you jump from far away, and if you press the kick button early enough, all opponents--excluding Goro--will almost never block. If you are really low on energy, you can use this trick to finish off the AI: jump kick, walk back a little, jump back, jump kick, walk back a little, repeating this until your opponent has been defeated.

If you jump kick your opponent and they block, don't jump away immediately or crouch block. Instead, block standing up; often enough, the AI will perform a special move, which you can block and retaliate accordingly, as listed in the 'Retaliations' section.

If the computer doesn't perform a special move immediately, block until they approach you for low punches. As soon as they start attacking, crouch block or crouch and release block, and they will be forced to go for a crouching kick. Block, stand up, and block again. Continue alternating between standing and crouching block, and, unless it is at very high difficulty, the AI is bound to execute a roundhouse, standing kick, or leg sweep at some point. Uppercut quickly if either of the aforementioned occur, and if the AI leg sweeps, delay for a moment and uppercut.

If you get tired of waiting for the AI to make a mistake near you, you can instead jump away and try jump kicks instead. The key is to wait for the AI to do a crouching kick, then stand up and back away slightly before jumping backwards. If you jump backwards immediately the AI will often jump kick straight up and knock you on your ass.

If you're cornered, you can get out by jumping out with the high punch, or by leg sweeping your opponent once and quickly jumping over them. Don't use leg weeps unless you're pressed into the corner. Wasting it early will result in the AI usually predicting the leg sweep and keeping you pinned in the corner.
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