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Funny Talkies and writtings

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Hello my Friends!this is Genie again
with funniest stuff of the site. lets read!
Here's a new stuff just for you.

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Sardar JEe

Q. What will a Sardarji do after taking photocopies?
A. He will compare it with the original for spelling mistakes !!
Q. What will a sardarji do if he wants an additional white sheet of paper?
A. As he has already 1 with him, he takes a photocopy of the white paper.
Q. What is the Sardar doing when he holds his hands tightly over his ears?
A. Trying to hold on to a thought.
Q. What do you see when you look into a Sardar's eyes?
A. The back of his head.
Q. "Oh, look at the dead bird.
A. " Sardar looked skyward and said "Where, Where?

In a party one of Zail Singh's friends asked himHow many chappathis he could eat in an
empty stomach. Zail replied "Seven". Then his friend told him "When U eat the first
chappathi your stomach is no longer empty ..Then how can U eat seven ??". Zail was
impressed by this tricky question. So as soon as he went back home he asked his
wife " How many chappathis can you eatin an empty stomach ??". She replied
"Five". Then Zail told " Shit!! If only you had told seven I had a nice reply for it"
Three men were applying for the same job as a detective. One was a Sardarji, one was
Jewish, and one was Italian. The chief decided to ask each applicant just one
question and base his decision upon that answer. When the Jewish man arrived for his
interview, the chief asked him, "Who killed Jesus Christ?" The Jewish man answered
without hesitation "The Romans killed him." The chief thanked him and he left. When the
Italian man arrived for his interview, the chief asked the same question. He replied "Jesus
was killed by the Jews." Again, the chief thanked the man who then left. Finally the
Sardarji arrived for his interview, he was asked the same question. He thought for a long time, before saying, "Could I have some time to think about it?" The chief said, "OK,
but get back to me tomorrow." When the Sardarji arrived home, his wife asked "How was

the interview ?". Pat came the reply, "Great, I got the
job, and I'm already investigating a murder.

A Sardar buys a ticket and wins the lottery. He goes to Delhi to claim it
and the man verifies his ticket number. The Sardar says, "I want my
20 lakhs. The man replied, "No, sir. It doesn't work that way. We give
you one lakh today and then you'll get the rest spread out for the next
19 weeks." The Sardar said, "Oh, no. I want all my money right
now! I won it and I want it." Again, the man explained that he would
only get a lakh that day and the rest during the next 19 weeks. The
Sardar, furious with the man, screams out, "Look, I want my money! If
you're not going to give me my 20 lakhs right now, then I want my
five rupees back!"
Sardarji took an answering machine home and fixed it home somewhere in Rajasthan, but
two days later disconnected it because he was getting complaints like "Saala phone
utha ke bolta hai ghar pe nahin hai"
What do you call a sardar who drinks only beer?
Just-beer Singh ('T' silent!).
What do you call a sardar who has only one drink?
Just-one Singh.
Sardarji is buying a TV. "Do you have color TVs?"
"Give me a green one, please."
Our sardarji was filling up an application form for a job. He promptly
filled the columns titled NAME,AGE,ADDRESS etc.
Then he came to the column "Salary Expected" : He was not sure as to
what to be filled there. After much thought he wrote : Yes
Did you hear about the sardar who signed all his checks so no one else
could use them if he lost his checkbook?

Why couldn't the sardar write the number "eleven"?
He didn't know which "one" (1) came first...
One Sardar was enjoying Sun on a Beach in UK. A lady came and asked him, "Are you
relaxing" Sardar answered '" No I am Banta Singh" Another Guy came and asked the
same Question. Sardar answered "No No Me Banta Singh." Third one came and asked
the same question Sardar was totally annoyed and decided to shift his place. While
walking he saw another Sardar enjoying the Beach. He went and asked him " Are you
Relaxing?" The other Sardar was much educated and answered "Yes I am relaxing.
The Sardar slapped him on his face and said "Idiot, Sab tere Ko wahahn
dhoond rahe hai aur tu Yahaan Aaram Kar raha hai." (Translation ... Idiot everyone is
looking for you and you are relaxing here!!!!!)
One great day in Bombay, a couple were on a honeymoon tour. They saw one sardarji in
front of a hospital (Breach Candy) was trying to fill some form. So the couple
enquired eagerly " Sardarji what are you doing ?" Sardarji replied that I had a baby
and I filling the birth certificate form. The couple as per schedule, took the Bombay
to Delhi for their next destination. On the next day, they find the Sardarji in
Delhi filling the same form. So once again young couple asked" Sardarji what are you doing ?"
Once again replied that I had a baby and I filling the birth certificate form. The couple
said but sardarji yesterday you were in Bombay filling the same form, how come
you're in Delhi? Sardarji coolly replied "The form says FILL IN CAPITAL.'
A sardarji with two red ears went to his doctor. The doctor asked him what happened to
his ears and he answered, " I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang - but instead
of picking up the phone I accidentally picked up the iron an stuck to my ear."
"Oh Dear! " the doctor exclaimed in disbelief. "But .. .. what happened to the other
ear?" "The man called back again."



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