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The Men In My Life...

...Just kidding. The following journey will take you though all of my favorite guys. There's not too many, as I'm probably as picky as it comes to celebrity guys as I am in real life!
I have a unique taste, I think, but I also believe that you'll find they all have some common threads. They're each pretty different, not your common star crushes like say, Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise (blah). I have to be different.

Maybe I'm a bit too old to have crushes on "movie stars", but it's totally harmless fun. Unlike everyday people, I have absolutely no chance in ever meeting these people, so they stay pretty far away, totally unable to cause any real problems...unlike some guys I've known. Haha.

There's plenty of pictures, and of course, my commentary. It's fun. It's eye candy. It's a glimpse into my psyche. Well, maybe it's not that deep...enjoy!

Number Four
