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Animated star dust Memories Animated star dust

In Memory Of Lonzo J. Alford

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two animated hearts  Remembering You  two animated hearts
Your time on earth seemed all too brief
because I wanted you in my life forever.
And although I really miss you,
in my heart I know that you are at peace.
Still, countless times throughout the day
I find myself remembering you.
Although I cannot see or hear you,
I know that you are with me.
I'll feel you in the warmth of the summer sun.
I'll see you in the brilliance of autumn leaves.
You'll be beside me in the peacefulness of a gentle snowfall
and rejoice with me at the emergence
of the first flowers of spring.
I'm thankful for the times we shared
and the priceless memories too;
for those memories are a comfort now when I lovingly -
Remember You.

- Author Unknown
Some photos of Lonzo
Photo Collage by Cheryl - © 2000

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two animated hearts  Part of Our Hearts Forever  two animated hearts
Could we ever forget your sparkling eyes
or the way you brightened each day,
or your smile which is etched in our memories,
so you're never far away?
Could we ever forget those priceless moments?
The answer, of course, is never.
For you were part of our lives for a brief time,
but you'll be part of our hearts forever.

- Author Unknown
Joanie, Lonzo, and Jackie (a.k.a. Bega, Navigator, and Jackhammer)

Above Photo © by Jackhammer - 2000. Photo resized & framed by Cheryl.
Used here with permission.

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two animated hearts  Forever In Your Heart  two animated hearts
When you speak of him speak not with tears
for thoughts of him should not be sad.
Let memories of the times you shared give you comfort
for his life was rich because of you.
And though for now you had to part,
though to part he did not choose;
he'll be with you along life's path,
Forever In Your Heart.

- Author Unknown
Some photos of Lonzo
Photo Collage by Cheryl - © 2000
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animated heartempty spacerIn Memory Of Lonzo by Jackie (a.k.a. 'Jackhammer')empty spaceranimated heart

<BGSOUND SRC="music/memories.mid" LOOP="2">

Music now playing: "Memories"
- one of Lonzo's favorite songs.

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Web page design and some graphics by Cheryl.
This background set created especially for Lonzo by Cheryl.
Original artwork for this background set inspired and © by Hallmark.
Some graphics copyright and courtesy of Ender Design: Realm Graphics.
Animated roses and hearts courtesy of Sofine's Free Original Animated Gifs.
Small animated hearts courtesy of Jenna and Aregorn.

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