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In Memory Of Lonzo J. Alford

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Words from Sandi
Sun., Aug. 12, 2001

These words will be read in my absence this day...i felt i needed to share them with all of you since you were all a part of his life in some way and it is you who are grieving also..*very tight hugs*


I couldn’t be here in person this day, but you and I both know that I would have been, if I could. But then again, you are not here either. You have taken that last step on this journey we call life, stepping off the boat onto the great shore of existence and have made the final journey home.

But I am here this day with all of you, in my mind....and with my heart. Looking out amongst the many faces that are gathered here today. Knowing without a shadow of a doubt how much each and everyone of you loved Lonzo in your own way. Whether it is as a son, a father, a sister or brother; a cherished friend, or a casual acquaintance. In each way, and with your own distinctions.

Let us join hands here....right now together and embrace the many moments that we have shared with Lonzo.

Remember the sunshine of his life
Remember the love that he shared in the way that only he could share
The caring and helping hand that he may have shown
A listening ear
A gentle touch
A word of praise and love

Let not your hearts be troubled by what has taken place. But rejoice in the knowledge that he is now counted amongst the angels that now look after us. For I know that he will be my guardian angel, as much in death as he was in life.

We will be sad, and it's ok to be sad....but knowing Lonzo as well as I do....I know that he would want everyone here and those who could not be happy. To live life to the fullest and with no regrets. That was the essence of the wonderful person he was.

My memories of Lonzo.....

Can it be that 19 years have gone by so quickly?
19 years, and some of the best years of my life. What I received from you in the years that went by can only be explained by saying an enormous kind of love; A friendship that could never be explained in this one simple letter.

Remembering the very first time I ever met you....smiling....knocking on your door and asking if I could "borrow some ice cubes." How does someone borrow ice cubes? When did I think I would give them back to you?

Leaving the life that I knew and following you to another place, and becoming part of a very special family.

Wonderful days filled with such intense tenderness

Numerous times spent driving on the cycle from place to place, with no particular destination, but just being happy to share the experience together. You had a way of making the smallest of things special.

So many memories.........

I thank you for opening that door that very first day
For sharing the life that only we two could share
Thank you for being my husband....
Thank you for being my lover....
Thank you for being my confidant and my very best friend

Don't tear the clouds up too much up there with that great cycle you're now riding, save a few of them for day we’ll ride them together again

Blowing you a kiss and whispering I love you...and always

I Love You

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<BGSOUND SRC="music/memories.mid" LOOP="2">

Music now playing: "Memories"
- one of Lonzo's favorite songs.

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Web page design and some graphics by Cheryl.
This background set created especially for Lonzo by Cheryl.
Original artwork for this background set inspired and © by Hallmark.
Some graphics copyright and courtesy of Ender Design: Realm Graphics.
Animated roses and hearts courtesy of Sofine's Free Original Animated Gifs.

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