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五筆, 大易, 認圖設碼 中文輸入法
倉頡, 自然, 行列, ... 簡介.
(Summary of patents)


大陸: 漢語拼音, 五筆字型.
臺灣: 國語注音, 自然, 倉頡, 大易, 嘸蝦米, ..., 等.
海外: 認圖(見字)設碼 GeoStroke.




民國初年, 鑒於中文查字困難, 陳立夫先生發明五筆檢字法,
以首四筆,末一筆的簡單方法從字典中找字. 可惜早了幾十年,
敵不過根深蒂固的 "字根部位法".
結果像我這樣的笨人都只好使用 "數筆畫表", 或 "難字表" 來找字.
除了 "木", "三點水", "火", .... 幾個簡單的部首,

你知道 "愛" 要查 "心" 部嗎?

1991 年, 北京商務出版張椿兄的 "新華字典 - 筆順部首檢字表",
張先生於 1980 年代提出:

橫 ( - ),
直 ( | ),
撇 (飄) ( / ),
( . ),
曲 (乙)


檢字法總算向前跨了一步. 他捨棄 "部首" 不管,
專注意餘下的 "半字", 用他的 五種筆畫 分類去找字.
這樣查字典找字, 是簡單快速了許多.

最有效率的辦法是 "分類, 按序 縮小範圍去找",




認圖 (見字) 設碼中文電腦輸入法

使用的就是這種 直接了當 的方法.

先確定漢字的 "外框(輪廓)", 再及 "內涵(內容)".
用 4 個 幾何形狀與筆畫者相似之對應 數字 GeoStroke 碼,
先後依 Z 順序表出.

逐 "碼" 按序 縮小範圍直至突顯出所想要找出的 "漢字" 為止.

採用同樣方法來搜求 "網址" 也極為有效.

而且, 是十個數目字, 從 0 找到 9
比 26 個字母從 a 找到 z 要快速得多.


10-key 筆畫歌[捩賒貉]:

1 直[眻]

2 橫[筵]

3 點[萸]

由左上向右下斜之短小 下鈍筆畫 ".".

由左下向右上衝之短小 上尖筆畫 "/".

4 撇[⑻] (飄[⑷] )

5 捺[睔]

6 圓順[埶佼]

7 拐[塹], 角[褒]
7, ^, L

8 交[蝠], 乂[砱]
x, +

9 鉤[像]

0 口[諳]


朱邦復 小檔案

1937 年 10 月生, 省立臺中農學院 (現中興大學) 農藝系畢業,

1976 年發表 "形意檢字法".
1979 年依三軍大學校長蔣緯國建議改名 "倉頡輸入法";
1989 年在大陸發表 "中文大字庫",
1991 年發表 "聚珍中文 合系統", 並回到臺灣發展.
1998 年成立士芯公司,
1999 年二月香港文化傳信集團購併士芯公司, 邀請他擔任文化傳信集團副主席.


許聞廉 小檔案

1951 年 10 月生, 美國康乃爾大學工程博士, 比利時魯汶大學運籌與經濟研究中心博士後研究,
1989 年回到中央研究院服務.

1992 年資訊月推出 "國音輸入法",
1994年改名為 "自然輸入法",
以人類智慧解決注音輸入, 倉頡輸入


(聯合報記者: 李若松)


王永明 - 五筆* [卼蚗隴 - 拻捩]


* 所謂 五筆, 即是將鍵盤上之
26 個字母 a,b, ..., y, z 鍵上之諸輸入用 字根

橫, 直, 撇, , 及 曲

五個區域, 以便利雙手迅速操作.


橫 (-): "1 區", G 以左之字母 ASDFG 鍵.
起筆為 "-" 之諸字根.
例如: 工, 丁, 大, 土, 王.

直 (|): "2 區", H 以右之字母 HJKL 加上 M 鍵.
起筆為 "|" 之諸字根.
例如: 目, 日, 口, 田, 山.

撇 (/): "3 區", T 以左之字母 QWERT 鍵.
起筆為 "/" 之諸字根.
例如: 金, 人, 月, 白, 竹.

(.): "4 區", Y 以右之字母 YUIOP 鍵.
起筆為 "." 或 "\" 之諸字根.
(由左上向右下斜短小 下鈍筆畫 ".",
或 由左上向右下落短小 下寬轉尖筆畫 "\" ).
例如: 方,立, 水, 火, 之.

曲 (乙): "5 區": N 以左之字母 XCVBN 鍵.
起筆為 "乙" (曲, 彎, 扭) 之諸字根.
例如: 弓, 又, 女, 子, 心.


US4684926: Universal system of encoding chinese characters and its keyboard View Images (15 pages) | View Cart Add to cart: PDF (~1430 KB) | TIFF (~1130 KB) | SmartPatent (~1130 KB) | Fax | More choices... Inventor(s):

Yong-Min; Wang ,

Henan Province, China

Applicant(s): none Issued/Filed Dates: Aug. 4, 1987 / May. 14, 1984 CC Application Number: US1984000609900 IPC Class: G06F 003/02; B41V 005/00; Class: Current: 341/028; 382/243; 400/109; 400/110; Original: 340/365.R; 400/109; 400/110; 382/056; Field of Search: 340/365 R,365 S,484 400/110,109 382/56,13


A system includes a keyboard for encoding Chinese characters and phrases. The invention relates to the quick input of Chinese characters and phrases into any large, medium, small and mini-sized computers as well as systems for Chinese information processing and communications. Some basic roots are selected according to their frequency distributions both in the constitution of characters and in practical usage, and classified in accordance with their inner links and compatible relations. These selected roots are then arranged on the twenty five keys of a standard keyboard in accordance with the probabilities of use of keys and the fingering of the keyboard in order to form a complete encoding system and a keyboard for Chinese. In the system, Chinese characters and phrases can be encoded according to their geometrical forms. Therefore the method is direct and easy to learn and convenient for touch typing, and the efficiency of input Chinese characters and phrases can be raised greatly.


First Claim:

Show all 30 claims

I claim: 1. A method for encoding Chinese characters and phrases inputted from a keyboard, each of the phrases including at least two characters, each of the characters including at least one root, and each of the roots including at least one stroke, and each of the roots having a sequence within its respective character, and each of the strokes having a form and a sequence within its respective root, the sequences of roots and strokes being determined by the traditional sequence of Chinese handwriting, the method comprising:


sensing a plurality of actuations of keys, which correspond to a break-down of the characters and phrases, in which break-down:

(i) strokes are characterized as having one of a plurality of basic types in accordance with their forms;
(ii) roots, selected according to a frequency distribution both in constituting characters and in practical usage, are classified into a plurality of sections, each root being classified according to a first one of the basic types which characterizes a first stroke of the root and each basic type of stroke is also considered to be a root; and
(iii) each of the sections is divided into blocks, each of the blocks being identified by one of:
A. a second one of the basic types which characterizes a second stroke of each root; and
B. a number of strokes forming a root;

the keys corresponding to the break-down in such a way that each of the plurality of keys corresponds to one of the blocks; and


encoding the characters and phrases in response to the plurality of actuations, whereby the characters and phrases are encoded in accordance with the break-down into the blocks of roots.


王贊傑 - 大易 [卼婝豌 - 湮眢]

US4920492: Method of inputting chinese characters and keyboard for use with same View Images (58 pages) | View Cart Add to cart: PDF (~5510 KB) | TIFF (~4350 KB) | SmartPatent (~4350 KB) | Fax | More choices... Inventor(s):

Wang; Jeff ,

Taipei, Taiwan

Applicant(s): Tsai; Buck S., Taipei, Taiwan Issued/Filed Dates: April 24, 1990 / Dec. 1, 1987 E2 (Expired) Application Number: US1987000127069 IPC Class: G06F 015/38; Class: Current: 707/535; 400/110; 400/484; Original: 364/419; 400/110; 400/484; Field of Search: 400/110,484,489 364/419,200 MS File,900 MS File Priority Number(s): June 22, 1987 CN1987076103564


An improved method for inputting Chinese characters into computers and the keyboard arrangement therefor wherein the Chinese characters, of which the numbers are enormous and the structures are complicated, are reduced to obtain only a few rules for inputting Chinese characters and the 244 radicals are allocated on a standard keyboard. The present inputting method is based on "stroke orders". The manner in which the characters are input conforms with general writing habits such that the method is easy and convenient for an operator to learn fast.


First Claim:

Show all 2 claims

I claim: 1. An improved method of inputting Chinese characters and phrases, each of the phrases including more than two characters, each of the character including at least one radical, and each of the radical including at least one stroke, wherein 244 basic radicals for forming the characters are associated with 41 keys of a computer keyboard, comprising the following steps:


Tracking stroke orders of the Chinese character, indexing the character by keying in the corresponding radicals, each of the radicals being keyed in with a code keying in one time, and completing the entry of the character with four codes at most, including a first, a second, a third and a last code, in which the steps for inputting the radicals comprising:

(1) selecting a radical covering as many strokes as possible without taking consideration of stroke orders;
(2) using at most four codes for a character while omitting the code between the third code and the last code;
(3) entering first the radical in the middle portion of a character in case the middle portion is flanked symmetrically by a left side portion and a right side portion, with the exception that the side portions are " ", " ", " " or " ";
(4) entering first a radical enclosing the remaining strokes of a character on four sides or three sides or upper left and right sides;
(5) entering a radical enclosing the remaining stroke of a character on lower left and right sides after inputting the remaining stroke, for example, " " and " ";
(6) entering directly the radicals of " " and " " if their strokes are completed before crossing by the other stroke, for example, " " and " "; otherwise, the radical of " " is keyed in alternatively, for example, " " and " ";
(7) entering the radical of " " by " " instead of " " in case the radical is crossed with other stroke, for example, " " being keyed in by " " instead of " "; and
(8) entering directly the radical of " " is without taking consideration of the stroke contained therein; and


entering the phrases of two characters by inputting at most four codes, including the first and the last code of each character; and keying in the phrases of more than two characters by inputting at most four codes, including the first code of each of the former three characters and the last code of the last character.


俞祖禎 - 認圖(見字)設碼 GeoStroke
[貤逌檁 - 獗趼傖鎢]

US5790055: Method for encoding chinese and japanese ideographic characters for computer entry, retrieval and processing View Images (20 pages) | View Cart Add to cart: PDF (~1900 KB) | TIFF (~1500 KB) | SmartPatent (~1500 KB) | Fax | More choices... Inventor(s):

Yu; Cho Jen ,

Irvine, CA 92715

Applicant(s): none Issued/Filed Dates: Aug. 4, 1998 / Sept. 22, 1994 Application Number: US1994000310726 IPC Class: H03K 017/94; Class: Current: 341/028; 400/110; 707/535; Original: 341/028; 400/110; 707/535; Field of Search: 341/28,22,20 364/419.09 400/110 707/535 345/171


This invention is for encoding of Chinese & Japanese ideographic characters which are digitized into a numeric format compatible for computer access and retrieval. Each Chinese & Japanese character is indexed by a numerical code. Each character is individually identified by an eight(8)-digit Geo-Stroke code, comprised of a four (4)-digit "FRAME" code and a four (4)-digit "ID" code. The coding method conforms to general writing habits, resulting in an input method both easy and convenient for an operator to learn and utilize. Each of the (10) Geostrokes used to input Chinese & Japanese character is assigned to a numeric digit (0-9). Each of the Geostrokes resembles one of the numeric digits available on the 10-key pad. By using this method both Chinese and Japanese ideographic character can be easily input and retrieved by using a 10-key design. By using this invention, both Chinese and Japanese computer users can now use one entry system to manipulate both languages and be completely compatible and interchangeable.


First Claim:

Show all 5 claims

I claim:

1. A method of encoding Chinese and Japanese ideographic characters for computer entry, retrieval and processing, comprising the steps of:
a) categorizing the geometrical strokes utilized to form ideographic characters into ten stroke family types and assigning a distinct Arabic numeral, ranging between 0-9, to each of said ten stroke types, wherein each stroke is categorized to closely resemble it's assigned numeral;
b) reading the stroke formations at four strategic locations, the two upper corners and the two lower-side edges, on the periphery of a character in a "Z" sequence to obtain a four-digit FRAME code for the character;
c) identifying the block formation pattern of the character and selecting a particular block or sub-block thereof as an ID block, in accordance with a set of rules; and
d) reading the stroke formations at four strategic locations, the two upper corners and the two lower-side edges, of the selected ID block of the character in a "Z" sequence to obtain a four-digit ID code therefore; wherein each ideographic character is uniquely identified by an eight-digit Geo-Stroke code comprising a corresponding four-digit FRAME code and a corresponding four-digit ID code.


俞祖禎 - 十鍵 中文輸入鍵盤
[貤逌檁 - 坋瑩 笢恅怀⻌瑩攫 ]

請見 Patents Summary (2)


Beijing wire on 7-26,1993:

(I) Very few people use Pinyin Method now,
as too many people speak various dialects.

(II) The Radical Method is too difficult to learn and use,
not practical in daily living use.

It can not be promoted widely to general public
and to Chinese-character-using population.

Problems on both shores are the same.



10-key GeoStroke,
an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, and good-for-OnLine-use
digitized Chinese Input System,
is the solution to these problems.

See US Pat. 5,790,055 n D370,899
IBM Patent Search Site

PRC Pat. CN 1121598A


數據式 (不拆字猜字根, 不用猜音符.)
專業 與 日常生活 皆可使用
Summary of Patents (2)
GeoStroke 中文輸入法解說
認圖(見字)設碼輸入法 GeoStroke 專利說明書
(US 5790055, US D370899 , US 5852414) (Big5, GB, n Eng. )
日常生活用 四碼中文輸入法
文字處理專業用 八碼中文輸入法
介紹 認圖(見字)中文輸入法 (Eng.)
GeoStroke 介紹 (Big-5)
GeoStroke 介紹 (GB)
10-key GeoStroke (Big-5)

拆字字根式 文字處理人員專業用

五筆字型 (US 4684926)
大易 (US 4920492)
倉頡 (Big5 n GB)

注, 拼音式, 自然(國音)式, ... 文字處理人員專業用

自然輸入法 (Big5 n Eng.)
注音, 拼音, 及羅馬拼音