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About Me
My Games
Game Reviews
Game Guides
Online Scoreboard
Rant Time
Hot Bands

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Sorry about the ads everywhere, apparently free pages from Angelfire now have ads everywhere... :/. Oh well, it's free...

Menu/Frame Explanation

Home --> Brings you back to the main page
About Me --> Details about the web master... me :) and my game collection
News --> Go here to find updated information about changes made to the web page
Advertise --> This page has a banner and the html code so you can advertise my site
My Games --> Here is a list of my favorite games and also some game pages I made
Game Reviews --> Go here for my own personal reviews of some hot GBA, GC, and PC games
Game Guides --> Go here for my own personal game guides. They took A LOT of work so please check them out. Guides are also ©opyrighted so please don't take them without permission. The Final Fantasy III walkthroughs are property of King Kung/GWS Wizard and contain minor alterations. Their website can be found in each appropriate walkthrough
Online Scoreboard --> This page is the old Online Games page. It has a list of the scores for some of the hottest online games. Join in on the fun today
Rant Time --> This is a new page that will have my various rants (aka statements) about the gaming industry. Enjoy! Email me your comments and I will put them up as well
Music --> Here is a list of my favorite bands/cds
Midis --> An often overlooked page.. this contains the Midi Archive, which is a pretty large collection of old skool Nintendo, Sega, and other game Midis. Very cool page
Hot Bands --> This is the place to go for all my reviews on the hottest new material in the music industry
NFG --> Short for New Found Glory, this is my page dedicated to my favorite band of all-time

Here is my current desktop background. It is available in 2 different formats. The artist who made it is really gifted. Enjoy Samus Aran!
(click the picture for the full size)

Samus (Widescreen)

Full Screen
Samus (Full Screen)