You have seen how a pebble dropped in Pond O'Reille
forms rings--silent, graceful, growing ever-outwardTho the pebble passes in a second's fraction
taking its long, cold lonely falland only its memory in the memory
of the water's surfaceremains to explain the multiplying rings
As the pebble grows more distant,
black cold folds out the lightBut the rings grow wider, happier, faint
Until they disappear in the speckled sunlight and mirrored mountainsThe waters of my heart, deep and clear and clean
can speckle with sunThey closed around you as you fell
And my heart's memory of where you entered
forms rings growing ever-outwardAttracted were you to public powersoftly, surely
as moths to candlesWished I that through some great surgeand that is a ring
I could have granted your wishesUnderstand that still you fall through the deepand that, too, is a ring
that power is not what I seekBut to protect those who do
as I did, great memory, for youBless me then to grow with our ringsand that is a ring
softly, symmetrically, as is my natureYou have seen how a pebble dropped in Pond O'Reille
forms rings which leap to growAnd there shall I be again, carried onthen the outer rings vanish backward
to the last and strongest
a speckle of late fall's dawn sunAt the foot of that great mountain,when the first fragile ice has formed
spider webs between the clean rocks
in the shadow of great pines
the mountain in whose shadowall live
and all die
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