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The new layout is finally up! If there is a broken link, please report it. Thanks!

By: Goopie Feb. 9, 2000

It's True: I've already gotten a few emails asking me if what Dratinice said is true. And I told them it is. Dratinice is now the new webmaster here at CP. And I know it's in good hands because she is a great webmaster and friend if you ever get a chance to talk to her. It's not like I didn't want to have CP anymore, but I just need a whole new perspective of everything right now. Everything seems to be changing (my life mainly). If you have any concerns, questions or anything, please feel free to email me of IM me. My sn is GoopieGooper.

PS: The rumor about me starting a network that Dratinice mentioned may or may not come true. As I already said, many things are changing for me right now, and I might just need a whole new thing to keep me occupied instead of making websites...

By: Dratinice Feb. 8, 2000

CP Under New Management!: Hey! I'm the new webmaster of this lovely site! I bet you're surprised to hear this. Well, so was I when Goopie said she wanted to give up CP! I asked her if instead of giving it up, she wanted to give it to me, and she said yes! So, I'm very happy to be the new webmaster, but sad to see Goopie go, so I made her a co-webmaster. Apparently, there are some "rumors" of her starting a network, but my lips are sealed. Anyway, I'm going to start making some changes. They're not going to be bad changes, very good ones, actually. The changes will begin this weekend, when I've got some time (hopefully). If they don't, I promise that I'll be working on them and they will happen in the near future. By the way, my AOL SN is MusicG7, if you want to talk to me. Well, see you all later!

By: Goopie Feb. 3, 2000

Sorry: Sorry eveyone. I know I haven't updated in a over a week. I was grouned for 5 days. And I just got ungrounded today. Yep, I'm a bad girl... ^_^ Don't expect me to update as much as I used to. I'm in 8th grade, meaing I'll be registering for high school in the next few weeks. So, I'll be realy into that. Plus my b-day is on Sunday, so don't expect me to update then either. Sorry everyone.

PSP: Good news everyone! On Saturday I got Paint Shop Pro. I've been saving up for a little over a month, and I've finally got it. YEAH! But the only problem is... is that I just don't feel like reading the huge manual that tells me how to use everything. So, I'll just play around with everything for a while. Just until I get used to everything...

By: Vaporeon Jan. 30, 2000

Where's Goopie?: Have anyone seen Goopie? It seems that she hasn't been online long. I hope this site isn't getting dead. I wonder where she is? This site hasn't been updated I'm terribly sorry! I'll try to help out as much as I can. I haven't helped out as much as I should be. Well anyways. As you know Vaporeon's Lost Island is dead. But I'm starting a new site called The Underwater Network! It's probaly not open yet but when it is open please keep telling others! Go to Http://

By: Goopie Jan. 19, 2000

Layout: Hopefully everyone, or most everyone, liked the new layout. If not, too bad!

Links: All the links should be working. But most of them won't have anything on them but a message saying it'll be up soon. If you see a broken link or anything, please tell me ASAP!

Snow: It was snowing here, and hopefully it will start up again, and we won't have school tomorrow. I hope! ^_^ IF we do get a snow day, then major updates!

By: Goopie Jan. 17, 2000

Layout: Well, here's the new layout. It's not the best, I have to admit. But it'll have to do. I've added every page. But still need to put the info on them. Sorry. If you find any dead links, meaning you find an error page, please tell me right away.

The Palace
None Yet...
Pkmn Mansion
?Alpha Network
Kabutops Network
Pkmn Resort
?Mansion Network
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