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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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Awards Page

This page is dedicated to one of the most essential, yet diminishing, elements of Magic: The Gathering: the magic. In the beginning of the game, every card had a enthralling mystical quality to it. Now the game is polluted with cards like Bouncing Beebles and Giant Cockroach. The cards below are being honored for their pictures, flavor text, and overall quality. These awards will change from time to time. You can look up the cards in the encyclopedia to see them in full. Want to see a complete record of the awards, including illustrators and colors?

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Best Picture

1st- Capashen Knight (Urza's Destiny) by Kev Walker

2nd- Cinder Elemental (Mercadian Masques) by Greg Staples

3rd- Scent of Nightshade (Urza's Destiny) by John Avon

Best Flavor Text

1st- Winter's Grasp (Tempest)

2nd- Soltari Crusader (Tempest)

3rd- Tranquility (Tempest)

Best Overall Non-Game Card

1st- Planar Void (Urza's Saga)

2nd- Cinder Elemental (Mercadian Masques)

3rd- Heartwood Dryad (Tempest)

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