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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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Recurring Nightmare/Abyssal Gatekeeper V3.3

Version 3.3 Quantity
Black Cards 17
Recurring Nightmare 1
Apprentice Necromancer 1
Coffin Queen 1
Exhume 2
Yawgmoth's Will 1
Living Death 1
Victimize 2
Abyssal Gatekeeper 4
Bone Shredder 2
Abyssal Horror 1
Hell's Caretaker 1
Red Cards 12
Keldon Champion 2
Ghitu Slinger 3
Keldon Vandals 3
Crater Hellion 1
Gobling Settler 1
Avalanche Riders 1
Anarchist 1
White Cards 9
Soul Warden 1
Vernerable Monk 3
Radiant's Dragoons 1
Cloudchaser Eagle 3
Staunch Defenders 1
Artifacts 2
Mindless Automaton 1
Lifeline 1
Lands 20
Mountain 6
Swamp 9
Plains 5
Total 60