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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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Marble Titan Deck V5.5

Version 5.5 Quantity
Blue Cards 6
Vigilant Drake 2
Flood 2
Essence Flare 2
White Cards 20
Standing Troops 1
Feremef Knight 1
Standing Troops 1
Ardent Millitia 2
Serra's Embrace 1
Brilliant Halo 3
Divine Transformation 3
Kismet 3
Marble Titan 1
Serra's Blessing 1
Master Decoy 3
Black Cards 7
Grave Servitude 1
Cannibalize 4
Norritt 2
Artifacts 7
Dragon's Blood 2
Ensnaring Bridge 1
Brass Man 1
Xanthic Statue 1
Infinite Houglass 2
Lands 20
Island 4
Plains 11
Swamp 5
Total 60