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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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Pestilence Deck V3.3

Versoin 3.3 Quantity
White Cards 20
Lancers en-Kor 3
Order of the White Shield 2
White Knight 2
Death Speakers 3
Spirit en-Kor 1
Voice of Grace 1
Duskrider Falcon 2
Disciple of Grace 1
Worship 1
Rune of Protection: Black 2
Warrior en-Kor 2
Black Cards 18
Pestilence 4
Dark Ritual 4
Death Watch 4
Evincar's Justice 2
Witch Engine 1
Festering Evil 2
Bubbling Muck 1
Gold Cards 1
Scalebane's Elite 1
Artifacts 1
Zuran Orb 1
Lands 20
Reflecting Pool 1
Grasslands 1
Ebon Stronghold 4
Vec Townships 1
Plains 7
Swamp 5
Forest 1
Total 60