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DruidLogo.jpg (12437 bytes)The Conclave of the

Citanul Druids

"Driven mad by the fall of Argoth, the Citanul Druids found peace only in battle."

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Sigil of Sleep Deck V2.4

Version 2.4 Quantity
Green Cards 9
Seeker of Skybreak 4
Fyndhorn Brownie 3
Quirion Ranger 1
Blue Cards 19
Rootwater Hunter 3
Zuran Spellcaster 1
Mawcor 1
Sigil of Sleep 1
Prodigal Sorcerer 3
Arcane Laboratory 1
Metathan Elite 1
Thornwind Faeries 2
Curiosity 1
Cloak of Mists 3
Mana Breach 2
Red Cards 14
Dwarven Warriors 4
Dwarven Nomad 2
Brothers of Fire 4
Sluggishness 2
Bedlam 1
Molten Hydra 1
Lands 20
Forest 4
Island 9
Mountain 7
Total 60