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(NB: please see particular entry for 'kind'
of writing; e.g., review, text, essay, linguistic, narrative, short story, etc.)

1. Editorial on Goffredo Petrassi; Musical Courier; October, 1956

2. Petrassi's Fifth Concerto for Orchestra; (analysis); Musical
Quarterly, October, 1956

3. Malipiero: I Dialoghi; (analysis); Notes, (Journal in Library
of Congress); March, 1958

4. Petrassi: Invenzione Concertata (Sesto Concerto); (critique);
Notes; December, 1958

5. Castiglioni: Sinfonia No.2; (analysis); Notes; December, 1959

6. C---IS: (Epostemological discourse concerned with the complexity
of musical signs); 1968-9; Pub. Lingua Press,1975

7. The Beauty of Irrelevant Music; (Aesthetic-Political Essays on
the value of irrelevance); 1970; Pub. Lingua Press; 1975

8. Murmur: (Philosophical exposition of the 'clash' between artistic
values & state-of-the-art technology); 1971; Pub. Lingua Press, 1975

9. A Non-Scatological Set of Preliminary Remarks for NMCE III; (In 12
innovative essays, a performing ensemble is proposed as an interpersonal, relational network); 1972; Pub. Lingua Press, 1975

10. The Music in SAMUEL BECKETT'S: PLAY; (an analysis of the deep
linguistic-musical structure in this brilliant theatre work); 1973;
Pub. Lingua Press, 1975

11. Extraction; (theoretical prosepiece on one aspect of human perception)
1970; Pub. Lingua Press, 1975

12. Gordon The Printer; (short story); Tugboat, ed. A.Frick; San Diego,
Nov., 1976;

13. My Grandfather; (short story); Tugboat, ed. A. Frick; San Diego,
Nov., 1976;

14. My Grandmother; (short story); Tugboat, ed. A. Frick; San Diego,
Nov., 1986;

15. Whole Language Language; (aesthetic essay: Description; what it is,
what it does); 1978; Pub. Perspectives of New Music, V.18 No.l, 1979;
Pub. Lingua Press, 1988;

16. Concerning Commonness & Other Conceptual Dysfunctions: (A Philosophical
argument with respect to the assumptions of "Relativism"); 1980;
Lingua Press, (in preparation)

17, ALLOS:(OTHER LANGUAGE); 41 Writers of 41 Writings; ed. Kenneth Gaburo;
pub. Lingua Press, 1980; 448pp.

18. Collaboration II: Publishing As Eco-System: (a discussion
between David Dunn & Kenneth Gaburo); Pub. Lingua Press,

19. ---OF DANCE: (prosepiece); Mica (Dancewriting journal,
Minneapolis, Mn.), V.1 #2; Fall, 1984

20. CONCERNING PHYSICALITY: Harry Partch's BEWITCHED; (aesthetic
philosophic discourse); Percussive Arts Magazine (Research
Edition), V.23, #3; March, 1985

21. The Deterioration of an Ideal, Ideally Deteriorized:
(aesthetic critique of digital music); Computer Music
Journal; MIT Press, V.9, #1; 1985

22. Collaboration II: Publishing as Eco-System: (cf. #18,
above); Pub. International Synergy Journal, V. #0;
Los Angeles, Ca.; 1986

23. ISIT: (a philosophical argument with reference to the
concept of subject-object; also (synchronously), a text
sound-performance composition); Pub. International Synergy
Journal, V. 1, #2; Los Angeles; 1987

24. LA: (a philosophical argument for Sound As Spirit); Pub.
Perspectives of New Music; V. 25, #1; 1987

25. AGO: (Narrative:---part I of twelve texts entitled
Pentagon/y; cf, The Scratch Project, above); The Performance
Project, V.1,#2, Spring, 1987; Jeffrey Greenberg, ed.

26. RE-THINK: (a text-meditation, followed by a Collage of
video graphics entitled: Minim Tellig), in: Words and
Spaces; anthology, Pub. University Press of America; 1988;
ed. Smith & Delio
