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Bondi Beach, famous for it's HUGE waves!  A VERY popular place to surf!
Bondi Beach, famous for it's huge waves! It's a very popular place for surfers to come! The day we were there, there were no surfers though because it was rainy and chilly... NTM, EXTREMELY windy!! All these little dark blue people are the choir members standing on the beach, taking pictures... one girl even fell in the ocean! Yikes! It was THAT windy!

Nice hairdo!
This picture doesn't even begin to describe how windy it was! In another picture I had to hold down my hair, otherwise it was going to fly all around my face!

Manly Beach
This is me at Manly Beach. We had just finished eating lunch at the restauraunt behind me. That meal, I think, was the best meal we had during our whole trip! Yummmm.....

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