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The Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge

Finally, the thing you all have been waiting for!
Australia Photos!!!!
These pictures are from my trip to Australia July 11th-23rd, 1999. I went on choir tour to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia and Cairns, Queensland, Australia! In Sydney we worked 25 hours a day!!!! ;-) Actually, we had VERY long rehearsals in the day and concerts in the night. It seemed like 25 hours were in a day sometimes though...and almost no time to sleep! It was a very precious moment (at least to me and my roomies) when we got to rest in our beds in our hotel rooms, even if it was only for 20 minutes!
In Cairns we had our "holiday" as the locals called it, where all day we tanned on the beach, swam, shopped, ate, SLEPT!!!! ;-) One day we even went to the Great Barrier Reef and snorkled! Some choir members got to actually scuba dive but, those were the girls with guts. I snorkled.
Anyway, before I make myself look like I have no sense of adventure at all, I'd better let you enjoy these pictures! I'll be coming along with you and tell you about my adventures in

Coming soon! (If I get my scanner to work again... :-P) more Animal pics, more Harbour Bridge pics, more Beautiful scenery pics, and more Beach pics! The following are possible: Programs & a picture of a usual meal.

See pictures from Sydney, Australia!
Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge

See pictures from the beaches in Australia!
Beach Pictures

See my wonderful friends & I in Australia!

Group Pictures!
Group Pictures

Airport pictures!
Airport Pictures

See pictures of animals and nature!
Animals and Nature

Pictures of waterfalls!


Pictures from UNDERWATER the Great Barrier Reef!
Underwater pictures from the Great Barrier Reef

See the postcards I sent my family from Australia!
Postcards I sent my family from Australia

See a program from our big concert at the Sydney Opera House!
Programs from our concerts

(And if you really want details) Hotel Room Pictures

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