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For those of you who like details (like me!), here are our hotel room pictures!! Enjoy! :o)

Sydney hotel pics

Sarah C. unpacking in our Sydney hotel room, 3rd floor!
This is Sarah unpacking her stuff the night we arrived in Sydney, our first day in Australia!! This picture is almost exactly opposite the door, which would be behind me (who took the picture.) The cot was Sarah's bed, the big bed you see was Sarah's and I think you can see the corner of mine, but I'm not sure. The view from the window went straight to a building, on the right a street and to the left was a parking garage I think. Next to the desk you see was our TV, on the other side was Sarah's stuff, and at the bottom of my bed was my stuff. You can see Sarah's toy fox on her bed!
Sarah C's head, and the other half of the room!
Here is the oher half of our room! The bed on the right was mine, the one in the middle was Sarah's bed & the one on the far left (in the corner actually) was Sarah's. Next to my bed you can see a big wooden wall. That was the divider between the bedroom part and the bathroom part of the room. On the other side was a closet, a HUGE mirror (it took up the wall on the end!), a coffee machine, fridge, dresser and the bathroom. It was a really nice room! We were very fortunate, a lot of the other girls got smaller rooms and with more people in them!
From left: Me, Sarah L., Sarah C.
One last look at Sarah, Sarah & I together in our Sydney hotel room! I must say, I had the best roomies that first week!!

Carins hotel pics

All of these were your 'hotel room'?!  It's huge!!  Why, yes!  In Australia they would have called this a nice sized 'flat' I think!!
Here is our Living Room to our "hotel room" in Carins! Yes, it is all just OUR room!! My roomies and I called it our flat! (Australia's word for apartment! It was as big as a nice sized one here!!) As you can see, the sliding door there leads to our balcony (it was HUGE too!!) We had a couch, two cushy chairs, a table & a coffee table. I think you can only see part of the couch and one of the cushy chairs fully and only a tiny bit of the other chair (behind the dinging room table's chair.) You can also see a tiny bit of the dining room table! (And all of my stuff piled on top!) My stuff is there because this was supposed to be my room since the couch was a bed when unfolded but I ended up in the same room with one of the other girls I was rooming with. I don't blame her for wanting company in that room! It was big and she was all alone in it! Yikes! The triangular light you see was the one for the dinging room table, it was directly over it. The nice thing about this room was the lights had a dimmer! So, I could dim the lights over the table, the track lights you see here and the light in the hallway!
You had a dining room too?!
This is actually the other half of our living/dining room. The dining room half of it. You can see the table (yes, with all my stuff on it,) the TV, the raised counter with the phone on it (I will talk about that in a few moments,) some of the kitchen (the stove's top I think you see,) a picture I'm sure inspired by the Great Barrier Reef, the light over the picture and the light over the table. No to mention, the brown rectangle-like thing next to the TV ... that is the top of my suitcase.
You mean you had a full kitchen too?!?!
This was our kitchen! Directly in front of you was the stove & microwave, to the right was the double sink, dishwasher, cabinet full of dishes and the window above the sink. To your left was the full-size fridge and lots of counterspace, leading to a raised counter which was open to the living/dining room! It had shutters to close it if you wanted, but the phone sat on that raised counter!
You had enough space to have an ACTUAL HALLWAY?!
Wow, you know a place is big when it has a nice sized hallway!! This hallway lead straight to SaraAnne & Emily's room, to the right was the door to Sarah's room and to the left was the door to the bathroom!
Now you can say you've seen an Australian sunrise!
The view from our "flat" at sunrise! Beautiful, isn't it?!

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