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Sarah C., Me, and Sarah L. at the MSP airport (the airport here) about an hour or so before we left for Sydney.  My roomies in Sydney and my best friends in the world!
From left to right: Sarah C., Me, and Sarah L. at the airport here. Both "Sarahs" were my roomies the whole time, except Sarah & I didn't get to room with Sarah the second week in Cairns. :o(

Cassy and Allison
This is Cassy (on the left) and Allison (on the right) at a party with all the other choirs.

Cassy and Sarah L!
Here is Cassy (again, but this time she is on the right) and Sarah (on the left) at the party. ROCK ON!!! ;-)

Lizzy (from the Alaska Children's Chorus) and Sarah L at the party after our concert in the Sydney Opera House!
This is Lizzy (on the left, from Alaska Children's Chorus) and Sarah at the party after our performance at the Sydney Opera House.

Cassy is on the left, Sarah C. is on the right!
Here is Cassy & Sarah! I think we are on one of the coach buses!

Cassy the aboriginie!
Here is Cassy inside an aboriginal hut thingy at this aboriginal place we went to in Carins!

Sarah L., the nut.
This is Sarah on one of the airplanes! I think this was the plane to Sydney but, I'm not sure!

Sarah L., Me and Sarah C
This is a picture of the fabulous trio!! From left: Sarah, Me and Sarah. We are sitting in front of a restauraunt in a small shopping area on top of a mountain in Carins. Beautiful, isn't it?! I'm sorry for the size and the lack of lighting in this picture.

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