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Animals and Nature!

Ain't it cute?!
A Koala at the Wildlife Park we visited. Cute, huh? They feel like really thick, soft wool. I snuggled one. Actually, it sat on a fake tree eating while I petted it and someone took a picture. Exciting. I'll have to scan that pic in.... :o)

A Mama and Joey at the Wildlife Park. I have to upload more pictures of kangaroos...they're scanned in but angelfire didn't like them. ;-) Check back soon...I'm gonna make angelfire LOVE them! j/k

They look like twins...the head thing, the jacket, the khakis, the shirt...
This is our director, Julia, and one of the seniors, Katie. Katie was loved by the other choirs, her voice simply dazzled them at our first concert! She did an amazing job and she is one of the members I will miss when she leaves. She was someone to look up to, voice and personality were both wonderful! These two ladies are sitting on a bench in Hyde Park, Sydney.

This thing is HUGE!!
Tara and a HUGE tree in the park in Sydney. YIKES! This thing is HUGE!!

Cute, isn't he?!  We found him over our hotel room's door one night in Cairns!

This geko appeared over our Cairns hotel room door, two nights in a row! This was taken the first night he was there, after a little get together by the pool. I saw him and quickly took out my camera and snapped this picture! The little bugger wasn't even startled. He didn't move while we were there ... or maybe he was so scared he didn't move but I've a feeling he was just cool with his new friends.

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