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My Photo Albuum - Page 4

Spice - the spice.

This is our little Spice's page. Spice is a "feeder rat" rescue, meaning we saved her from the pet store where she could have been fed to another animal, namely a snake. Poor little Spice is so sweet & shy, sits still very well & willing to watch TV or just be held & petted. As you may notice, Spice looks very much like Sugar (except MUCH thinner & she has black fur on her head). Here is our little Spice...

Here she is again.... cute, sweet, adorable... She's our little Spice Rat. :o)

Can you smell the Spice?

Spice went to Rainbow Bridge to play May 14th, 1999. We will miss her very much.

Spice went to play at Rainbow Bridge May 14th, 1999

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