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My Photo Album - Index

Ooooook! Well, I thought to make it easier for all of us, I should make a Photo Album Index. Tell me what you think, should I get rid of it or is it convinent ?? E-mail me! :o)

Photo Album, Page 1:

Winter School Picture of Me, November 1998.

Family & I in Virginia, September 1998 (Uncle Brian, Me, Mom, Sapphire)

Picture of me done up at Glamour Shots, December 1997

Photo Album, Page 2:

Me in Rio Grande, a restauraunt in Virginia, September 1998

Family & I at Epcot, under big "golf" ball, January 1998

Picture of me @ the Mall of America, after Glamour Shots, staring up at sky, December 1997

Photo Album, Page 3:

(all rattie pictures)

Sugar & Roxanne peeking out of their cage, February 1999

Sugar & Spice moving around, not wanting to pose, February 1999

Sugar alone, eating a treat, February 1999

Photo Album, Page 4:

(all rattie pictures)

Spice sitting on couch, February 1999

Spice good view of markings, body, ears & feet, February 1999

Spice looking cute, February 1999

Photo Album, Page 5:

(all rattie pictures)

Noelle sitting on couch, February 1999

Princess eating, February 1999

Roxanne eating, February 1999

Photo Album, Page 6:

Twinkle being cute, February 1999

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All rattie photos taken by Adria Richards