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Postcards etc.

I did NOT take this picture!
This is the Sydney opear House and Harbour Bridge! I got this postcard (with stamp) as a gift from teh director. Everyone in the choir got it as well as the next one from Manly Beach!
Aaaah, the beach!
We ate lunch here one of the first few days we arrived in Sydney! It was the BEST meal we had! (At least in my opinion, I would have glady taken anything off of the other girl's plates if they didn't want it!! Espcially the dessert!!) I think in the upper right corner you can see Sydney!
Water THAT clear REALLY exists?!
Isn't it beautiful?! You CAN see the coral through the water in this poastcard!! This is out IN the Great Barrier Reef! We took a big boat (directly behind the main floating building thingy, that says "Quicksilver" on the top, is the boat) out there and went snorkling there you see the white floaty thingys that mean "DON'T GO PAST HERE OR ELSE!!!!" ;-) In the middle of Quicksilver was an area where people went scuba diving and for $90 Aussie bucks you could put on the gear and have a scuba lesson! I didn't, I'm scared of deep water anyway (little known Sylvie-fact!) but now I regret not going! But that's okay, I still went snorkling!! I was scared to but I did it anyway, LOL! I first went out with someone REALLY close to me, but after you get used to it and see how BEAUTIFUL it is you want to wander further away from whoever you are with! (You had to be with someone so we wouldn't lose people.) The little boats you see wandering around are the gladd-bottom boats, where is it exactly what they are called! Glass bottom boats!! I unfortunately ran out of time to do that but, my best friend Sarah was and she said they saw bottle-nose dolphins!! I would have LOVED to see them!!!!!!
Was it REALLY THAT colourful?!
In this postcard I think they've exaggerated a *tiny* bit. The coral isn't actually THAT colourful and you aren't allowed to get THAT close to the coral! Well, if you took off your lifejacket and swam down but the water and the coral wasn't as close as they make it look in this postcard! If you did though, you weren't allowed to touch the coral because it makes it die and takes years & years to come back! But, it was really cool anyway, just seeing the coral! And it was colourful, just not AS colourful as in this picture. The fish were really colourful though!!! (See my underwater pictures, coming soon!!)
This postmark was on the above two postcards saying they were posted ON the Great Barrier Reef. I wrote those cards sitting on Quicksilver eating a strawberry fruit popsicle I bought there (still sitting in my wet bathing suit and towel) and put them in the little box which boasted about it's spiffy Great Barrier Reef postmark and off it went! On it's long journey to the other side of the world!!!!

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