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Underwater pictures from the Great Barrier Reef!


While in Australia we were able to actually go snorkling in the beautiful Great Barrier Reef!! Some girls were able to go diving!! (I choose just to snorkle) But it was still beautiful!!

'A Whole new world...'

When I first got in the water, aside from half frozen, I was really scared because (little known Sylvie fact) I'm afraid of deep water. Very. So I went out with a friend REALLY close by ... until I actually looked under the water and saw what you see here -- except in beautiful dimensions no picture could explain.


It IS a whole different world down there ... one only a few lucky people get to see. Just look -- God's beauty doesn't end when the land does. Cool, huh?


Even this talkitive girl is speechless ... I don't know how else to say ... IT'S BEAUTIFUL, ISN'T IT?!?!


I'd love to go back someday.


Wow ...

Cute picture!

Here are (from left) Kelly, ???, SaraAnne and Emily making faces at us! This picture was actually taken through glass in the observation area or whatever it was called and they were swimming above us! So they came down to say ... hi?

A fish?!  No, a fishie! ;-)

This fishie continued to visit the people getting used to the water tempature (it was freezing! There was a bench halfway in the water to get used to it.) It came up to us so much I finally took a picture of it! LOL!

Didn't you see anything else that was more interesting than 'FISHIES'?!

These fishies kept following each other everywhere ... I have another picture with HUNDREDS of them all grouped together!!!

See the fishies?

This picture is my personal favorite and the best out of the underwater coral pictures!! Can you find the fishies??

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