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Sydney Sites!

The Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge
The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge! On July 18th our choir sang at the Sydney Opera House. It was amazing!!

The Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge
On the Harbour Bridge, we found out you can actually climb it! So, everytime we passed it, we would look for the little gray dots walking along the top of the bridge. The bridge's nickname is "The Coathanger". Australians seems to like giving things nicknames... :o)

The Sydney Opera House
We learned a story about the Opera House... the person that drew out the blueprints was fired before it was fully built! He had finished creating the outside, but someone else had to be found to create the inside. They are re-modeling the Opera House and offered the man a new job. I didn't quite understand if he accepted the job or not though... I think he is still in the process of deciding.

The Sydney Opera House
I hope he does take the job would be SO neat for him to see his finished building! He hasn't seen it yet. Except I'm sure in pictures or whatever...

The Sydney Skyline
Sydney is a pretty nice city... alot of different kinds of people, the different ones were usually Oriental . The rest were white and there were plenty of black people too. A good mix of different races...but then again, there seems to be no such thing as a "pure anything". Sydney is also a very big city... it reminds me of a mixture of Paris and New York City. Old buildings, etc.

Don't ask!
This is some place in sydney, actually I forgot what exactly it was. Silly me ...

And where are you, Sylvie??
This is where we sang at the Sydney Opera House! We are the buches of people sitting down in front of the orchestra & director (Jean Askworth Bartle, in the middle.) There was an organ behind us up high! We ARE actually in one of the funky shaped pointy thingys of the opera house!! (Don't ask which one!) Spiffy, huh??

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