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MN Rat Connection
-Show & Pet
-Friendly, Healthy

MRC Rat Information

My Rats
Rat Standards
Adopt~April 14th-Update~
Shipping and Transportation

Wish List

Care, Diet Housing-
For My Rats

What I feed my rats
Bedding I use

Fancy Rat Sites-
External Links of Quality


Contact Information
Adria aka gizmoadria
E-mail: Phone:
(Brooklyn Park, MN)

AOL IM: gizmoadria 



April 8th, 2001

-MY NightFaye, Bred
-RnR Pepsi, Bred
MRC So Naughty, Bred
End of April


The Diet that I feed to My Rats

When I first started out, I was very concerned about their diet.  I mean look at Americans and how we eat!

I got off to a good start and continued fine-tuning it from there:

This is Kaytee Fiesta Mix.  

A bit high in protein and fat but a great assortment of items makes it a healthy and colorful addition.




This is Kaytee Supreme.

This makes up a larger portion of the grain that I provide to them because of the stable base of "nuggets".

Both of these are obtained from my local Petco from a Bulk bin which I always inspect visually and with my nose!


These are good ol' Lab Blocks.  I obtain these at a local shop.  They are made by Teklad, type 8640.

Rats don't always like these or will eat them recluctantly but these ensure that a rat recieves the specific, required amounts of vitamins he/she needs.




Along with the above ingredients, I also add a rotating variety of cereals, dried fruit and rotini pasta to keep their interest.

How my dry Mix looks after it's all done.

I mix small batches at a time to last about 2-3 weeks.


Feel Free to contact me
Due to the overwhelming amount of rat mail I receive 
on a daily basis, I will respond within 72 hours

If I don't reply, please e-mail me again....
I get e-mail
Altimers (Alhiemerz) with e-mails sometimes,
reading them and then forget to reply.  

All pages and images are property of their respectful owners.
I must be contacted in order to use images.
Copyright © 1998-2001,  MN Rat Connection
Web Site
designed and maintained by gizmoadria