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N64 Sucks

Ok now I'm gonna explain how I rated everything and why.

Actual console

The Nintendo 64 itself is a better console. So if you want to get a console just to get a console and aren't planning to play games on it, go with the N64. It is 64 bits(duh!), has 4 controller ports and is faster. The HUGE setback is that it is cartridge based. The only good thing about cartridges is that they are smaller and can't be broken as easily. They also can't be copied, which is not that great for gamers. Since they can't be copied, it's supposed to lower prices but I'm not overwhelmed by the N64's "low" prices. The bad thing about cartridges is that they suck. They can't hold nearly as much memory as Cd's (about 10 times as little), have incredibly bad sound, take forever to be reproduced, cost considerably more than CD's, and do not have full motion video capabilities.


The PSX has much many more things you can do with the console, and everything for it is cheaper. If you aren't happy with 2 player games, buy Multi-Tap or an adaptor, and you can actually play 8-player games. It's dual shock controller is a incredibly better than A rumble pack. The memory cards are also better than the memory packs Also you can play Japanese games on the Sony Playstation as long as you have a mod chip or a game enhancer. Also if you have the urge to, you can play CD's on the Playstation.


There is a split right here because the controllers are complete opinions and what you hands feel like. The regular N64 controller made by Nintendo is better than the regular Sony one because it has analog and feels better (although it is bulky and messed up sometimes). The other controllers for Playstation are a lot better than the N64 ones. My favorite non Analog controller is the Piranha Pad because it has a 360 directional pad, the buttons raised a little, and is made to perfectly fit your hand. The Sony analog controllers are in my opinion better (I like the Barracuda) than the regular N64 controllers but many people are undecided. If you are wondering why I didn't say PSX was better than N64, it's because The controllers to start out with for PSX are worse. Oh yeah N64 controllers are also very bad for fighting games and the controller isn't an all around controller.


Although it seems like the N64 should be a shoe in to beat PSX in graphics it isn't. The N64 most of the time has smoother and cleaner graphics than the Playstation. As of late, the PSX has been competing and in some cases winning the graphics battle, which is no small task for a 32-bit system. Although the frame rate on an N64 is considerably better, the PSX has been standing its ground. Games like Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 3, and Metal Gear Solid, which might I add were great games without the graphics, have challenged the N64 better to make better graphics. The N64 has replied with beautiful games. But there is one thing N64 forgot, what about gameplay? The games are like beautiful movies made bad because of a horrible plot.


I don't think, i really have to talk much about this topic. If you think the N64 has a chance in hell to have better sound, you are one hell of a moron and I got six words for you, "Wake up and smell the cartridges." Think about it, CD's vs. Cartridges. Music is released by artists on CD's. I dont know of many people who release their albums on cartridges.


Action is the place where most of the popular games are made for most consoles. The PSX just has more action games and quite frankly they're better. Let's first talk about each consoles best action game. The Playstation's Metal Gear Solid and the N64's Goldenye 007. These games are both shooters and that's pretty much where the similarity ends. Goldeneye is a great game and all but it came out like 2 years ago, is awesome multiplayer but kinda sucks 1 player, and gets old after a while. While MGS is the greatest action one player game of all time. There is not much that you can't like about MGS except how superior it would be to any N64 game if it was multiplayer. Now for the other games, the N64 has Battletanx, Turok 2, and South (haha). The Playstation has Syphon Filter, Duke Nukem-Time-to-Kill, Einhander, N20:Nitrous Oxide, Poy Poy, Soviet Strike, Tenchu:Stealth Assasin, and UprisingX. OK look at all of those games.


Do you want to know how many Adventure games the N64 has? Well, I doubt I could tell you the exact amount but after searching 100's of reviews, I didn't find one!!! How pathetic is that? I mean, to completely ignore a whole category. The Playstation has the best adventure game in Resident Evil 2. We also have Silent Hill, Brave Fencer Musashi, Oddworld:Abe's Exodus, and Tomb Raider 3. That might not seem like a lot but that is only as of late.


I don't think that Role Playing and the N64 should ever be mentioned in one sentence. If you like RPG's then you should stay away from the N64, but if you don't then you should still stay away form this system. OK N64 fans have Zelda, which suprisingly looks like a fun game to play. Zelda and that is it. Zelda is a good game but does that make it a good RPG game? No, it doesn't, it is not good based on the qualifications of role playing. The only other role-playing games the N64 has is Yoshi's Story and Quest 64. OK, not much needs to be said about that. A system with 3 role playing games is not a real system. Come on. OK Playstation has 8 final fantasy's(i think they should have stopped after 6 but they still are not bad RPG's). The PSX also has Guardian's Crusad, Suikoden, Parasite Eve, and Xenogears. They are all long games that will give you a lot more hours of gaming time than Zelda.


There haven't been all that many platform games, and even fewer Nintendo 64 games. The N64 has Super Mario 64, Castlevania, and Banjo-Kazooie. Castlevania has been on almost every system including the Playstation, Mario is extremely old, so you are left with only Banjo-Kazooie. Banjo-Kazooie can not compete with 3 Crash Bandicoots, Tomba and Spyro the Dragon, which are only the latest of Platform games on the PSX.


Most of the Nintendo 64's racing games are just not all that. The best ones don't have anything wrong with them but are just aren't good. I have played many games and an OK one was Cruisin World which I have only played on arcade, and it was fun. The only reason it was fun was because I played it 3 years ago, it was good for 3 years ago, and it was fun with a steering wheel because no matter how you turned the car would never spin out. Right now the game sucks. It has no realism or fun factor. The Playstation has Need for Speed 3, Ridge Racer Type 4, Rally Cross 2, a few offroad challenges, and Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo itself can crush all the N64 car games combined. We also have Car combat racing games and the N64 has only one good one that just came out. It is Vigilante 8 which was a port from the Playstation and it came out almost a year later on the N64. The PSX has Vigilante 8, Twisted Metal 3, Rogue Trip, and Road Rash 3D.

Extreme Sports

The N64 completely chose to ignore this topic and ended up with about 2 snowbaoring games. That's it!. OK I have played 1080 and Twisted Edge was horrible according to critics. 1080 was the biggest piece of crap I have ever seen, the controlls were messed up and there are limits to what you can do. The controller is not sensitive at all and you barely go anywhere when you press as hard as you can on the joystick. The people would fall down even if you didn't try any jumps and you had to do special things just to normally land. The courses suck and so do the jumps. The only compensation was the graphics. I have played Cool Boarders 2 and 3. Cool Boarders 2(which came out a while before 1080) completely blasted 1080 away, but did not have as good of graphics. Cool Boarders 3 on the other hand has better graphics and better everything else. Now since I'm done with snowboarding for now, let's talk about the other extreme sport. OOPS! I can't, the N64 doesn't haveny others that were ever publicized. Ok, the PSX has some extreme sports game than its sequel 2extreme and soon 3extreme, and others. As for skateboarding, the Playstation has Street Sk8er.


Ok, the N64 has NFL Blitz, and Madden 99. Well guess what so do Playstation owners. You know what else, we have another extreme football game called NFl Xtreme, which is about as good as Blitz. WE also have Gameday 99 which is so much better than NFL QB CLUB 99. As for college football games, the N64 is left standing there with nothing in their hands. The PSX actually rivals itself with NCAA 99 and NCAA Gamebreaker 99. It's like all those commercials you hear,"Now blah blah will meet their only competition, themselves."


I being a hockey lover was quite dissappointed with the N64's attitude toward hockey games. Luckily for N64 and hockey fans (there better not be many, because you know we hockey fans are smarter than your average person) EA Sports decided to sign on with Nintendo. This year the N64 has 2 well known hockey games out right now. NHL 99 which is a great game but as you better know is on Playstation and knowing most game is probably better on the Playstation. The N64 also has NHL Breakaway 99 which I have seen screen shots of and lets just say, I don't want to look at. We are talking 2D non-polygonal graphics with a horrible AI (artificial intelligence for all you non-smart N64 freaks). I have played Gretzky 3d hockey 98 and Breakaway 98 and both of them were worse than NHL 95 (I'm serious). Oh yeah Nagano 98 was supposed to be exactly like Gretzky except the box was different. As for PSX hockey games, we have depth. NHL Faceoff 99 which isn't as good as NHL 99 but is still a great hockey game. We also have a lot better 98 games and we even have 2 on 2 open ice challenge.


Yeah the N64 finally one an actual gaming topic. You know what would have made success sweeter? If they had demolished the PSX as bad as the PSX had demolished the N64 on most other topics. OK, now to the soccer part. The N64 has an older game by the name of ISS (International Superstar Soccer)which as a really fun game but incredibly unrealistic. The PSX and the N64 both have Fifa 99, and the PSX version is supposed to be a tad better but the N64 just beat out the Playstation on this topic.


Baseball! The sport the N64 made commercials and commercials about with its "great" game in All-Star Baseball 99. The game was the biggest piece of crap (except for the Nintendo 64 system itself) I have ever seen. Hardball 5, A game that I believe came out in about 1996 or 1997 takes All-Star Baseball 99 to school. All-Star Baseball sucked except for its Home Run Derby which was only possible to play by cheating, otherwise you would never hit the ball and cheating wasn't all that fun. Ken Griffey JR. came out a year later than expected and sucked. Triple Play 99 can kill either of these games. There are already at least 2 baseball games our for the Playstation this year, Triple Play 2000 and Interplay Sports Baseball 2000. Both of these games have gotten excellent reviews. The N64 will also have Triple Play 2000, but they took out most of the important features. AS of now, baseball on the N64 still sucks.


Basketball was an area the N64 could have put a little more games into. It has NBA LIVE 99 which might I add is also out on PSX and the Playstation version is incredibly superior. N64 has NBA JAM 99 which has gourgeous graphics but no AI what so ever. the PSX also has better college hoops games in NCAA March Madness 99, and the N64 well doesn't.


I have 2 words for you, Tekken 3. Tekken 3 in itself is worth more than all of the crappy N64 fighting games combined. That is a lot since all of them suck. It might not be the manufacturers fault, It's the controllers fault. The controller is a crappy fighting controller. The PSX also has a great sword fighting game in Bushido Blade 2.


Wrestling is big right now and video game companies are trying to cash in on the craze. Last year WCW Nitro was on Playstation, and this year made an unsuccessfull port to the N64. The N64 has WCW: NWO Revenge and WWF Warzone. The PSX has WWF Warzone and WCW: NWO Thunder. Revenge is probably the best out of all of those and unfortunatly Warzone isn't better on PSX than N64 so, N64 won.


Do you remember Parappa the Rapper? It was a great game if you liked those games. Well this year, Bust-A-Groove came out and blew Parappa the Rapper away. The N64 decided that no ones gonna buy this game anyway so why bother to make a game like it. That is the exact psychology that has made the N64 as bad as it is now. The Little Stuff. Oh yeah there's like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on both consoles, but I dont see a point on making them for consoles. Oh yeah the PSX also has You don't Know Jack.

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