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Laidlaw Enterprises
Welcome to the cheapest webspace available!

$1 A Month

If you have a personal, business, hobby or fan webpage, you had just two choices until now: paying $5 to $500 a month for webspace, or using pages on a free website like Angelfire, Tripod, Lycos, or GeoCities/Yahoo with banner ads and/or pop-ups. They also provide a template after you sign up to type your pages on, no special knowledge required.
Laidlaw Enterprises has been around since 1977. To celebrate our 25th year in California, we are offering webspace for just $1 a month with no set-up fee for a single page (keep in mind, you can put as much as 8 print-out 8 x 11-inch pages of text on a webpage). No ads, no banners, no popups, no kidding. That's just 25 cents a week for a webpage with up to 1 Meg of space! No set-up fee for basic page deal.
      $1/month for 1 webpage, up to 8-pages worth of text,
 including any graphics or audio*
      $2/month for 1 webpage, up to 5,000,000 bytes of space
 (for big audio files or collections)
      $2/month for up to 10 webpages/5 Megs, $10 set-up fee
* $1/month entitles you to up to 1 Meg/1000k of webspace for your text, graphics and audio files. If your page is posted at a free site already, all audio and/or graphics on it will be copied to our site with your page(s). We will not play audio from another site unless specified by you. We can store gif or jpg graphics (bit-maps will be stored & displayed as jpg), midis, wavs and mp3 audio files. Keep in mind, wav or mp3 audio files can take a lot of memory. This clip of The President's September 11 speach is less than 5 minutes, but takes over 1,400,000 bites of memory, while this movie themesong midi is only 25k, about the same as a small graphic. If you will be storing a lot of audio, 5 Megs of space with a single page (you could use it as an index for your audio) is just $2 a month.
At these prices, we cannot offer login/password capability but you can update, change or completely replace your webpage(s) any time you want for $1/page set-up fee. Pages may be sent by mail or regular email (no attachments please). If your page(s) are already posted on a free site such as Angelfire, all we need is the URL address (such as: www.angelfire.com/films/mypage/index.html) and we will post an exact copy of the page(s) without the free site's banners or pop-ups. The original page(s) will still be on the free site as is, we don't remove or change another website's banner ad programming on their site. If you outgrow our $1/month size, you can always buy your own ad-free webspace on Angelfire; it will cost you close to $60 a year plus a set-up fee, which is still cheaper than a lot of webspace providers.
If you do a lot of updating, consider putting your updatable page on a free site such as Angelfire, then simply put a link to that page from your ad-free "permanent" page. You can put any number of links on your page; they use only slightly more webspace than regular text. You could say something like, "For latest information, click here." If you get tired of helping pay for the /mn/nn/ website at $1 a month, you can go to Angelfire.com any time you want to sign up for their $4.95 a month ad-free homepage sites. It will be that much easier if you already have signed up for a free homepage at Angelfire. They charge $10 setup fee and then the $4.95 is charged to your credit card once a month.
Content restrictions:
We buy space on the Angelfire/Lycos server, here are their legal terms & conditions and the privacy policy (this is on another site, you will need to use your "back" button to return here).


We can also add one of the following to your webpage on request at no extra charge:
* Javascript programmed to always show the current day, month and year at the bottom of your page like this: (javascript date should be at bottom of page as some visitor's computers can't see javascript, such as Apple's Mac)
Visible hit counter at the bottom of your page (to see how popular you are).
Javascript automatic countdown anywhere on your page, such as "276 days until Christmas."
* Hotbot internet search engine box at top or bottom of page.
* Scifans free email login/signup box at top or bottom of page.
* Amazon.com search engine box (books, videos, toys, action figures, etc.), note: if you would like to be an Amazon.com affiliate, you will need to signup with them directly and download their search engine box graphic to your site. Our free version pays no commissions.
* To put your website on the internet under your choice of names, just go to WebHelpGold.com and buy the "www.yourname.com" that you want. They can assign your name to your $1/month page right here with no one the wiser as to how much money you're saving.

Payment Options

Check or money orders must be issued on US banks in US dollars. Outside US, send $ cash. Canadians may send Canadian Postal Money Order payable in US dollars. You may pay ahead as many months as you want, 12-month minimum: Continue to next page

Laidlaw Enterprises
524 Printz Rd
Arroyo Grande CA 93420
PO Box 3
Arroyo Grande CA 93421

This offer for new customers may be withdrawn any time, but anyone who signs up now will never have to pay more even if rates increase for new accounts in the future.

Are you making 12% on your money?

In 1980 we were paying our investors 12% and we still do.
Click here for more information on the Investor's page.

Other Laidlaw Websites

Laidlaw Inc. - Laidlaw operates in three transportation sectors "taking people where they need to go" on school buses, public transit vehicles and in ambulances, and provides environmental management services.

The Laidlaw Foundation
365 Bloor Street East Suite 2000 Toronto, Ontario M4W 3L4

Laidlaw Group, LLC - Investment Counsel - capital investment managers with competetive returns and a well delineated investment approach.

Laidlaw Corporation - The Laidlaw Corporation, an employee-owned company, has been selling solutions to the retail, drycleaning and laundry industries for over 80 years. We specialize in drycleaning supplies, wet cleaning, fly swatters & wire hangers sold worldwide.

Laidlaw's Harley Davidson - Laidlaw's Harley Davidson - Dealer for Harley Davidson since 1958. Experts in motorcycles, harley-davidson, cruisers, clothing, motorclothes, custom, soft

www.laidlawbanff.com - Laidlaw Canadian Rockies is a transportation company providing exceptional motor coach services with modern equipment at competitive rates.

Laidlaw School Bus - is the largest and most progressive student transportation provider in North America, carrying more than two million children each day. We are committed to providing solutions...

www.laid-law.com fan site - Pure rock & roll

Animated graphics (c) 2002 by The Animation Factory.
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In Association with Amazon.com