Quantum Leap
This page is devoted to Quantum Leap, starring Scott Bakula, and subject of books including "The Making of Quantum Leap." Here's a list of eps from his Quantum Leap tv series, followed by this month's episodes on the Sci-Fi channel:
Quantum Leap "The Leap Home" (1990)
Quantum Leap "Jimmy" (1989)
Quantum Leap - Catch a Falling Star/What Price Gloria? (1989)
Quantum Leap - The Color of Truth/Kamikaze Kid (1989)
Quantum Leap, What Price Gloria? set in October 16, 1961 (1989)
Quantum Leap, pilot episode "1956" (1989, DVD)
Quantum Leap, set in June 6, 1961 (1989)
Quantum Leap, set in August 8, 1955 (1989)
Quantum Leap, pilot episode: "1956" (1989)
Sci-Fi channel episodes of Quantum Leap
No titles have been scheduled for 2007, though his Star Trek Enterprise
episodes are seen on the SCIFI channel
Previous Quantum Leap episodes seen on the Sci-Fi Channel
Scott Bakula is currently starring in the Star Trek prequel tv series "Enterprise" (UPN) as the captain of Earth's first warp-drive starship
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Quantum Leap themesong
Quantum Leap episode titles, all 5 seasons
Quantum Leap was inspired by the 1960s TV series Time Tunnel, from the creator of Lost In Space and Land Of The Giants
None of which are likely on Harlan Ellison's resume anymore