Click here for the Star Trek Animated titles list page with my ep descriptions. Five of the stars of the 1960s Star Trek and 1974 animated series guest starred on the season-ending episode of the animated Fox series "Futurama" on 4/21/02William Shatner looks at an ad for the new Star Trek movie
No STAR TREK 1960s episode titles are scheduled on SYFY or TV Land so far this year STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION has also moved to Chicago superstation WGN weeknights @ 1am EST subtract 3 hours for Pacific Time on WGN listings, and BBC America
Star Trek (1960s) Episodes on TV Land, 12am is morning of date shown:No upcoming show dates available for TVLAND (note: TV-Land, WGN and CW only provide listings 2 weeks at a time)Broadcasts starring Leonard Nimoy this week:
Stardate 01.22.2010: The son of STAR TREK creator GENE RODDENBERRY has teamed up with movie director RON HOWARD to bring one of his late father's forgotten TV projects back to the small screen. Rod Roddenberry has struck a deal with Howard's Imagine TV company to develop The Questor Tapes into a new show. The script, about a robot with incomplete memory tapes who is searching for his creator, was originally written by Roddenberry as a 13-episode TV series, but after disagreements with bosses at America's NBC network the sci-fi mogul abandoned the project. The production eventually aired as a one-off small screen movie in 1974 - and now Roddenberry's son is hoping to bring The Questor Tapes back to life to honour his dad's memory. "My father always felt that Questor was the one that got away. He believed that the show had the potential to be bigger than Star Trek."
MAJEL BARRETT-RODDENBERRY, the actress widow of STAR TREK creator GENE RODDENBERRY, died at the age of 76. She lost her battle with leukaemia at her Bel-Air, California home on Thursday (Dec.18.2008). Her son Rod was by her side, reports Access Hollywood. She guest-starred in TV shows Bonanza, Leave it to Beaver, and The Lucy Show during her acting career - but she will be best remembered for her association with Star Trek. The actress has played a part in every incarnation of the sci-fi show since it premiered in 1966, and only recently completed voiceover work as the voice of the Starship Enterprise in the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie. A public memorial took place January 2009. Husband Gene Roddenberry (70) died in 1991Star Trekkin
William Shatner News
Star Trek TV-series trailer
Hey! Didja think that "Generations" (the 7th Star Trek movie) was the best one in the series? Me neither. Here's the official Generations review, including comments from that guy stuck in space with two robots on Mystery Science Theater 3000
Monstervision review & host segments for Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Khan, sequel to 1960s episode "Space Seed"
All the Star Trek movies so far, at www-ST-org
Click here for the best Star Trek parody song ever made - Star Trekkin'
Can you name two Star Trek movies directed by Nimoy? Or the one about Spock's brother? Or what went wrong with the first man to come back from Venus? These and other questions are answered on MonsterVision host segments for Cold Hands, Warm Heart / I, Robot, the Outer Limits episodes that starred William Shatner & Leonard Nimoy
After Star Trek went off the air, Gene Roddenberry tried some other ideas as movie/pilots including The Questor Tapes (1974, an android sent to save Earth from itself) and two pilot/movies about a post-apocalyptic Earth called "Genesis II" (1973, starring Alex Cord of Airwolf) and "Planet Earth" (1974, starring John Saxon of Enter The Dragon), then the horror/suspense SPECTRE (1977, starring Robert Culp and an evil druid spirit)
Too weird? Well, did you know that in the late 1950s, Gene was head writer for the western series "Have Gun Will Travel"? At least 2 episodes were later redone as S.T. episodes: Monster of Moon Ridge became Devil In The Dark, and his version of Shakespeare's Helen Of Troy/Taming Of The Shrew became a Calamity Jane episode, then ST episode Elaan Of Troyius
Star Trek - Complete Seasons 1 to 3 are available on DVD from, as well as complete seasons of the "other" Star Trek series
Star Trek - The Seven Screen Voyages (boxed set)
Star Trek Animated Adventures - on Laser (1994)
Deep Space Nine (1993)
Star Trek V - The Final Frontier (1989)
Star Trek IV - The Voyage Home(1986)
Star Trek III - The Search for Spock(1984)
Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan(1982)
Star Trek - The Motion Picture(1980)
Star Trek Animated Adventures
Official NASA links & info
Note: after some delays, the ashes of James Doohan (Scotty) were launched on April 28, 2007, in New Mexico. The remains of 200 people will be aboard the rocket including Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper, at a cost of $495 each. That's less than the cost of a conventional funeral, as noted 5 years earlier in episode #309 of Ripley's Believe It Or Not!
Or click here to find out what's crawling on you
Click here to find out if Spock is bluffing
Or here for a fight ... or here for a doomsday machine
Is it time for Shore Leave yet?
Click here for Doctor Who
What if Star Trek had been done as a Flintstones cartoon? It might have looked like this: Stone Trek starring Fred Flintstone as Captain Kirk
Previous Star Base Homepage (ads and all)
Email letters to the Sci Fi Channel
NASA page
William Shatner previous appearances other than Star Trek episodes, last year: CINEMAX Sat, May 2, Miss Congeniality WGN Sat, May 2, Boston Legal BIO Tue, May 5, Biography BIO Tue, May 5, Star Trek: Captain's Log BIO Tue, May 5, Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond MORE MAX Tue, May 5, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan ION Tue, May 5, Boston Legal BIO Tue, May 5, Shatner's Raw Nerve CINEMAX Thu, May 7, Star Trek Generations TCM Fri, May 8, The Explosive Generation OXYGEN Fri, May 8, PM Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous TVGN Sat, May 9, TV Guide Close Up HISTORY Sat, May 9, Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier HIST Sun, May 10, How William Shatner Changed the World TBS Thu, May 14, Showtime TBS Thu, May 14, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Leonard Nimoy previous appearances other than Star Trek episodes, all times EST: AMC Mon, May 4, The Brain Eaters BIO Tue, May 5, Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond BIO Tue, May 5, Shatner's Raw Nerve ABC Fri, May 8, The View HIST Sat, May 9, Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier FOX Tue, May 12, Fringe Patrick Stewart previous appearances (EST) other than Star Trek episodes on SCIFI Channel: FX Sat, May 2, X2: X-Men HBO Sun, May 3, Robin Hood: Men in Tights MORE MAX Sun, May 3, X-Men FX Sun, May 3, X-Men: The Last Stand WGN Thu, May 7, Star Trek: The Next Generation AMC Thu, May 7, Star Trek: Nemesis SCI FI Thu, May 7, Star Trek: First Contact HBO2 Fri, May 8, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DISNEY Fri, May 8, Chicken Little (animated) HIST Sat, May 9, Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier STARZ Sun, May 10, Conspiracy Theory FOX Sun, May 10, American Dad (animated) Star Trek movies on SCIFI & other channels in 2007: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) (not currently scheduled) Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (1982, revenge served cold) (see above) Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock Wed May 30 on More Max Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home (the whales one, in present-day San Francisco) Thu Sep 27 on HBO Family Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier (Shatner apologized for this one when it came out) Mon Sep 17 on Cinemax Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country (not currently scheduled) Star Trek: First Contact (1996, Patrick Stewart) Sat Jun 16 on SciFi Channel Star Trek related: Biography: William Shatner (2006, 60 min) Sat Sep 15 on A&E Airplane II: The Sequel (William Shatner as Commander of the Moon) Thu Jan 18 on Cinemax Sun Mar 11 on HBO Fri Jun 1 on Spike TV (TNN) The Devil's Rain (William Shatner vs. Satanic cult in a ghost town) Feb 10, 2007 on American Movie Classics Free Enterprise (1999, Two sci-fi buffs befriend William Shatner, 2 hours) Sun May 20 on The Movie Channel Sat Jun 2 on Flix Movie Channel Mon Jun 4 on Showtime Women Thu Jun 7 on Showtime Beyond Wed Jul 25 Showtime Wed Aug 1 Showtime #2 Tue Aug 7 on Showtime Showcase Futurama: Where No Fan Has Gone Before (2002 animated, ST cast members gueststar as Fry retrieves lost tapes of Star Trek, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, George Takei) Fri July 20 on Cartoon Network Galaxy Quest (1999, Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub) Dec 27, 2006 on TBS Gunfight At The O.K. Corral (1957 western, DeForest Kelley, later reprised by him on ST) 03/31/07 on Turner Classic Movies Warlock (1959 western, DeForest Kelley) Sat Aug 4 on American Movie Classics Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978 remake starring Leonard Nimoy) Sat July 7 on Turner Classic Movies Sun Sep 16 on WOR New York Judgment at Nuremberg (1961, dir. by Stanley Kramer) Shatner, Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Richard Widmark, Max Schell, Werner Klemperer Mon Jun 18 on HD Movies Them (1954, giant mutant ants attack Los Angeles, Leonard Nimoy in an early role) Sat Jun 23 on American Movie Classics Living in TV Land: William Shatner in Concert (60 min, 2006) Jan 8, 2007 on TVLAND How William Shatner Changed the World: real science & technology compared to the original ST Tue May 29 on History Channel (2005, 2-hour docu) Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier (Shatner, Patrick Stewart. Leonard Nimoy hosts) The influence of the Star Trek series & films on pop culture (2007, 2-hour docu) Mon July 2 on History Channel Roast of William Shatner (Jason Alexander hosts. 90 min, 2006) March 24, 2007 on Comedy Central Ancient Mysteries (Leonard Nimoy hosts, 60 min, 1996/1997) Ancient Mysteries "Rites of Death" Burial customs. Included: India, Tibet, ancient Egypt. Sun Jun 10 on Biography Channel Outer Limits: I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (Nimoy as the lawyer for robot charged with murder) Wed Jul 25 on SciFi Channel Star Trek: The Next Generation "Unification" part 1 & 2 (Mark Lenard, Leonard Nimoy) Capt. Picard searches for Spock on Romulus. Tue Mar 13 on Spike (TNN, 2-hours) Twilight Zone episodes: Nick of Time William Shatner plays a newlywed obsessed with a small town fortune-telling machine Fri July 20 on SciFi Channel Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, dir. by Richard Donner: Shatner sees a gremlin on plane's wing. William Shatner later starred in Horror at 37000 Feet Tue July 3 on SciFi Channel Quality of Mercy (Nimoy) Thu Aug 9 on SciFi Channel