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Chris In Bed

**NOTE** This story also appears on our sista site, The Jokes on JuJu.

I bet you younger ones never knew that you can tell what a man would be like in bed by the way he's a fact. Don't ever let anyone tell ya that girls don't talk like guys. I'm 24, been married, and I've got friends. So let me analyze. I'll take all the work out of it for ya cause I'm good like that -- Tabz

Dancing Style: Confusing. Funny. He spanks himself with reguarity. Nuff said.

Bedroom Style: After a few minutes of fumbling around, and your deafening scream of pain when he misses, he'll giggle, make a horrible joke, then finally get it right. It won't be the best you've ever had, but then won't be Joey. He'll make sex funny. This one I've got personal experience with. No not him, my husband was a Chris. (In name and personality) Although he may be a keeper...mine wasn't. That "peter pan" syndrome could have negative effects in bed. Bring a book, try new things. Buy toys. The 'adult" kind. He'll keep you laughing as long as he doesn't bring one to dinner with gramma as a joke.

What keeps ya coming back?: Comfort. Laughter, and the fact that after all, it COULD be Joey. (Sorry Brit) If you stick around, props to you. Knock knock jokes make me wanna take a long walk off of a short pier.

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