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Euro Footage And Concert 10/98

Remember when I said the Top 40 Unedited was my fave NSYNC appearance? I might have been wrong. Put it this way, on this tape here.. they sing the freaking BSB!!! How cool is that?

"Mah girl" Amy has Nsyncosity, and she got this kick ass tape, and passed it on to me. It is SO funny. It's long too, exactly 2 hours. (The first 45 minutes is footage, the last hour and 15 minutes is the concert) All I have to say is I don't understand HOW these foreigners accept NSYNC. This had to be the most shabbily put together show I've ever seen, there are stuffed animals flying all over, it is TOO funny. It's not that old either, like October 1998 (It has the CLEAN Chris! Yay!) Anyway, here's the highlights.. this may be long, there is so much funny stuff here!

Ok, starting with the footage part, I think it is a band member taking it, so it starts with the bands bus filming NSYNC's bus from behind, then it cuts to girls chanting "NSYNC NSYNC", then cuts to footage of the band again

Our first taste of NSYNC on the tape.. OMG.. you have to see these outfits. JC has on black overalls with a white shirt underneath. But, he has this HUGE yellow necktie on going over the overalls, and a yellow hat on backwards.. wtf was he thinking? And Juju has on like plastic leather black overalls.. hehe. They sing the last 2 seconds of "Crazy For You".. it ends with Juju shaking his head with his tongue sticking out.

Then they sing some song acapella that I've never heard before, I have no clue what it is.

Next it shows the guys in some computer room, here is some of the conversation:
JC: I know a really good site
Justin: I bet you do!!! (as if it were porn or something.. lol)
Joey: I am so computer illiterate, it's not even funny! (I think the word he was looking for was plain old illiterate)

It cuts to Chris eating something, then Lance's parents, then Lance signing these records on a table.

Cuts to soundcheck, Lance playing keyboards, the one band member starts playing guitar and it shows Lance and Juju watching him.

Cuts to stupid footage. (You'll see this a lot in this review..hehe)

Cuts to the guys singing Sailing.. Chris looks SO HOT!

Then it cuts to like a bar or something. Some guy is playing "For The Girl" on a piano, there is a big crowd of people, Lance and Joey are the only NSYNCer's there. The whole group sings the song, and Joey thinks he's cool cause he's singing JC's verse. The guy starts playing "Crazy For You" on the piano next, and some chick is singing it and she sounds like crap.

Footage of NSYNC's tour bus covered with graffiti like "I Love Justin" then more of the soundcheck, then more stupid pointless footage.

This next part is SO cute. It shows these closet doors, then this guy walks in and he's like "I gotta find Chris, I know we have a Meet N Greet goddamnit!" The camera focuses back on the closet when that guy leaves and you hear "Stop the shenanigans and let me out!" Some other dude opens the door, and Chris was in the closet trying to play a joke.

Cuts to the guys singing "More Than A Feeling" acapella for like 5 seconds.

Cuts to the guys getting pictures with some chicks, then more dumb footage.

A little interview with the guys, it starts with Chris saying "My name is Ed, call me Ed, hi this is Ed".. ok weirdo. They ask them about funny things on tour and Lance says in a totally robotic tone "Not-thing fun-ny ev-er hap-pens to us" After he says that, Lance has some dumb ass sock puppet on his hand, and he's shoving it in Justin's face.. he's such a tard.

It shows NSYNC's opening acts, some chicks, and them some guys.

Then shows NSYNC doing there intros, this is hilarious. When they come out, JC and Joey are like whispering to each other sitting on stage, the crowd is whipping stuffed animals at them, the guys are talking in German, JC is spazzing.. when Lance comes out though, he says "Heelllllo Germany" SO SEXY!!

Then they bring a cake out for Chris cause it was his brithday, they all sing Happy Birthday to him. His mom is on stage and she kisses him on the cheek (awww) and Scuz is like "Mom, you're embarassing me, get out of here! SECURITY!!!

More dumb footage, then Lance, Justin and Joey talking to these girls outside the venue, then it cuts to the spacesuits opening, then to more stupid footage.

THIS IS THE BEST HERE. It shows the guys in a room playing basketball, the problem is it's a small room with no basketball hoop. So, they have Justin standing on a couch with his arms making a hoop, while the rest of them play. Justin's like "Guys, can I play?" They all yell, "NO!!" I love it!! Then it shows Lance and someone else fall going for the ball, and you here Lance yell "Somebody's touching my butt!!" JC comes running up to do a shot, and Justin keeps moving his arms and laughing so JC can't do it. On a side note, Justin has this yellow windbreaker outfit on and he looks really cute! (Yeppers, I called him cute.)

It shows all the guys sitting in the middle of a floor with a cake for Chris. The funny part about this is when JC says "Put.. the.. knife.. DOWN! I can't believe you gave that to Chris of all people"

Shows the guys running out to the bus at the end of a concert.

Now, on to the actual concert part. This is the most wacked out NSYNC concert I have EVER seen in my life, wait'll you read some of this.. by the way, the footage is from in front of front row.

They start there intros, Joey comes out first with a bottle of some mystery beverage. I think it's some kind of liquor because he is acting totally loaded. At one point he points to the bottle, points to someone in the crowd, and shakes his head yes. I don't get it. While the others are doing their intros, Chris is running around stage and Joey is flopping all ove like a re-re. Lance comes out last, and while he is talking all the other guys are whispering to each other like they are in their own little world, and not at a concert.

First thing they sing is the Bee Gee's tribute (complete with Justin's beatbox) Joey spends most of this song waving and blowing kisses at the audience.

Men In Black There are like 25 people running around the stage, none of the NSYNC guys no the words to this song, JC is spazzing all over, it's pure comedy. When it's over, you hear JC say "Ok.. we had no idea that was happening" Gee.. it was pretty obvious because ya'll couldn't get 2 words right!

I Want You Back Justin does a ballerina kick when they are dancing around JC (which I think is some sort of satanic ritual), at one point Chris kicks JC in the ass, Chris is dancing with a huge pink elephant that got thrown on stage, Lance can't dance for crap.. and he tries grabbing Joey's arm and Joey gives him a look like "Dude, don't touch me"

Next the band plays while NSYNC is backstage getting changed. The band is getting totally creamed with stuffed animals while they are trying to play, and some guy has a huge broom sweeping them off stage.

The guys come out in these windbreaker outfits, and start dancing to some music I've never heard. It's freaky as hell. They are like breakdancing, Justin is getting all into it. In one part JC is stradling Joey, and Chris is stradling Justin so it looks like they are midgets.. (you have to see it to understand) They keep on dancing, the music changes to Missy Eliots "The Rain" All in all it's a pretty kick ass dance routine though.

Together Again It's a fast version, Chris dances with the pink elephant again, halfway through they start singing "Da Dip".. at the end they start chanting "Show me were the booty at, whoomp there it is!"

Next there is a drummer solo, Lance and Justin are standing behind him holding up these cardboard signs that say "SCREAM" and "APPLAUSE" they look like complete fools.

The Lion Sleeps Tonight Some dude dressed as a lion is crawling all over the stage. I swear this concert is too weird.

OMG.. this is great. JC announces that they are going to sing I Need Love well, as a joke, the band starts playing Quit Playing Games With My HeartJc is in total shock, he literally falls down on the stage laughing, Joey is laughing. They do sing a whole verse though, and JC sounds AWESOME when he says "I should have known from the start" After it's over one of them is like "I have no idea what that was all about"

I Need Love YES, they actually sing this poor excuse for music. Oh, and they have got some super cool dance moves for it too *sarcasm*

A 5 minute spiel of "If ya'll wanna party like we do, if ya'll wanna party like us let me hear ya say ah ah ah ah ah ah" Oh Justy, give it UP already.

Giddy Up This starts with Justin saying "We want to show you we really can play instruments, and the band cannot sing" That's right, the guys go play instruments, and the band comes out decked in shades and sings Giddy Up. The guy who says "Girl Were You Alone?" Pshaw.. he SUCKS. He is NO Lance let me tell you. The guy singing lead is pretty decent though. But really.. who wants to see 5 greasers, 3 of them wearing NSYNC shirts.. prancing around singing this song! Ride it, ride it, ride it?? I think not. The guys FINALLY come back to end the song by saying "ride it" a few times, and Chris sums it up with "Let's hear it for the band, they're the shiznit!"

For The Girl I must go off right now about how damn gorgeous Lance looks. Oh Lord!! He has on these black pants, a white beater, and a white button down shirt that's undone over the beater. WOW.. he looks incredible, and he can really freak that chair! I was in awe. Ok, I'll stop now. This song is funny too, you know the chair dancing, right? Well, for some reason there is a big 'ol easy chair on the stage. Like a living room acutal chair. Halfway through the song Justin sits in it, then he drags it across the stage, by the end of the song he's sitting in his big ass chair dead center stage. He's just pulling it along with him.

Here We Go They have on awseome outfits, baseball jersey's and white baseball pants, they all look great. And, I must give MAD props to the camera guy for the large amount of JC crotch chots throughout this song. Wow. They bust into rap at the end AGAIN, then back into Here We Go. What the hell?? Guys, you are NOT RAPPERS, ok??? Get it straight already. You can tell Justin just wants the crowd to start chanting "Go nilla, go nilla!"

Best Of My Life All I have to say about this is I absolutely adore this song. I love it, it's great, and I never saw them sing it live until this tape. (For all of you that don't have it, it's on NSYNC's Euro debut, it's a beautiful song.)

Tearin' Up My Heart They sing this "reggae" version of it, it sounds really good though. While they are singing it, their opening acts come out in NSYNC's spacesuits from the beggining and start dancing around stage and singing the song with them.

Tearin' Up My Heart Yeah, they sing it again, the regular way this time. The tape cuts off near the end of the song.

THE END of the funniest damn NSYNC tape I've ever seen.

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