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Pay Per View Concert Review.. Sort Of

All rightie guys. The Pay Per View concert. My review is SO not what you are going to expect.. lol. So, it's Saturday night, I managed to actually get one of my friends to come over to watch this with me. The way my retarded satellite system works, is we have 15 PPV channels, most are movies. To buy something, you just press a button on the remote that says "BUY." Therefore, you can't buy things until about 5 minutes before they start.

Anyway, it's like 6pm. Me and my friend were talking to my brother. I was joking around, and I said "If we left now and seriously hauled ass, we can be in Canada by midnight and go to the bar." (My friend is 19, and has never been to one since stupid America is 21) Well, of course that is MUCH more interesting than a PPV NSYNC concert, so we actually did it.

That's right, we left my house at 7pm, got on the highway and did 80mph all the way to Niagara Falls. We got there at exactly midnight, stayed until the bar closed at 2am, and then turned around and came back home. Is that crazy or what?? I got home at like 8:30 Sunday morning. We had fun though, I met a real hottie, Canadian of course. All Canadian men are Gods to me.. hehe. And, of course I saw the Joey Fatone look-alike AGAIN. It is so weird, the last time I was at this club was June, and I saw this guy that looked like Joey. I almost got in a fist fight with him.. that's a whole other headache though. Anyway, I saw him again.. I was laughing SO hard. You HAVE to see this guy!

In closing, I have 2 things to say:

1) I am weird.

2) Although most of you guys that come to my site may think I am seriously crazy. I am not. I just live my life to have fun, as is obvious from the above story. My mom kinda thinks I'm nuts though, I didn't even tell her we were going to another country to "hang out" for 2 hours. God, we are so weird. All we did was leave her a note:

What up? We are going exibhitioning. Be home tomorrow between 7am and 8pm.
Love, The Rich.
P.S. I took Brit and Amanda with me.
P.S.S. When can we meat?
Isn't that the kind of thing a mother LOVES to see when she gets home? Don't ask about the whole.. "When can we meat" thing.. YES, I do realize "meet" is spelled wrong. It's just a stupid joke we have. Anyway, Canada was fun, and I hope the concert was fun for whoever watched it. If anyone wants to write a REAL review, let me know.
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