TalkingTorah - Contents
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Table of Contents     Vol. 2  No. 2

The Editor's Desk
Just because he's the boss he STILL gets the first slot.


The Wondering Jew
Random thoughts and wonderings about Judaism and the world in general.

The E-mail Box
Your chance to BEHEARD.

The Study Corner
Take some time to step out of a busy day for a bit of study. C'mon, what can it hurt?

A weekly series of short essays on the portion of the week.

Parashat Page
Read over our study guides. Even if you can't get a group together they can be informative. On the other hand, have you really tried to get a group together to study a little Torah?

Ask the Sofer
Did you ever have questions about Torah scrolls, or anything to do with the scribal arts and just didn't really know who to ask? Well look no further. Our Ask the Sofer page lets you ask a real sofer directly.

Study Helpers
Here are a few things we hope will make your study a little easier.

Reduce your web surfing time with this convenient new tool. Run 4 search engines at the same time.

How to Use the Study Guides
Some suggestions to make your study session run a little easier.

On Our Bookshelf
These are some of the books we use when preparing the study guides for TalkingTorah.

The Barnes and Noble Connection
If you would like to have a book or two from our bookshelf, check out "the Connection."

Monthly Features
Articles and stories of interest.

Barnes and Noble and the "Protocols Mixup
Before our little web "adventures" that knocked us out of circulation for a while, we told you about "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" and how it ended up classified under "Judaica" in Barnes and Noble. Well if you haven't heard how it all came out please read this update.

Learn the daily service. Tradition says that any Jew who knows the service can lead it. If you are in an area not often served by a Rabbi this series of articles is not to be missed! If you are looking to expand your Jewish knowledge of the daily service, this series we really have to say it all again? Read already!

Other Stuff
E-mail, links and business stuff.

Check Out a Few Links
Take a look. Let us know what you think.

Contact Us
How you can keep in touch. Let us know how we are doing.

Jewish Prisoner Services International
Help our forgotten Jews. Here is a list of people you can contact to show you care.

About TalkingTorah

Top of page.

c2000 TalkingTorah