Genetic Disaster

(side note: please bear in mind that Sir Weeze was 18 when he wrote most of this crap, so that will explain most of it)

You Lose
Forever Endeavor
Contra, Level 2
Flint McKnives
Hell Awaits in the USSR (with Sathra)
Creed Sucks
Oracle Ministry of Justice

You Lose

No lyrics

Forever Endeavor

I'm not thrilled with existence at this very moment
Though it may seem silly, my friend is gone
Never too fond of that sinking feeling
Now all I have are distant memories
I'm not too thrilled with your judgement to try and comfort me
Speaking now is a lost cause, you're not gonna bring him back
Fraternize with this quiet depression
I'll leave you at rest, my dear
I know you'll be just fine
cuz I'll see you again

Contra, Level 2

What the hell is goin' on?
You've made it to the 2nd level
The first level master is easy as hell
cuz its just a stupid building
You're at a different angle
the laser gun still sucks
the spread gun is still annoying
but you don't get the spread gun in this level anyway
hit the targets
hit the targets!
you gotta hit the targets to get to the next stage thing
then you get to the next one and the next one and the next one
and its really friggin easy
and all the little guys are really easy
and all they do is shoot at you and all you have to do is duck
and its really easy
its really easy cuz its Contra level 2
Contra level 2, Contra Contra Contra Contra still playing
Contra Contra Contra still playing Contra
You are still playing Contra


No lyrics

Flint McKnives

Realize its Flint McKnives
Penalize Flint McKnives
Circumsize Flint McKnives
Swat a fly with Flint McKnives
Legalize Flint McKnives
Resize Flint McKnives
Throw knives at Flint McKnives
A bunch of guys Flint McKnives
Comply to Flint McKnives
French fries for Flint McKnives
Win a prize for Flint McKnives
Gorify Flint McKnives
Mesmerized by Flint McKnives
Milliefy Flint McKnives
Justify Flint McKnives
Just a fly is Flint McKnives


Unique brand of chaos
you're saying I look lost
insurrmountable cost
for the cause that you've fought
the things you've brought
are less useful than I thought
turn around and leave
your cause you decieve
who am I to believe
your mouth, I have seen! oooh!
I will not grieve
when you bleed
stitch up your mouth, I can't hear a word you say

Hell Awaits in the USSR (with Sathra)

Hip! Hop! Heep! Hop! Hip! Hop! Hip! Hip! Hoooo!
DOOOO doo doo doo doo doo doo.
Throw you out in Wilke!
Abada babada abada babada abada babada eeee!
Abada babada abada babada abada babada leee!
Abada baba baba ray!
eee baba babada rappa die
Ababa baba babada rappa grave
Bark bark bark bark bark arf arf
eee? eee. EEE.


the pleasures of flesh
swing right in front of my face
misogynistic and cynical
I never wanna love again
Yet you're still undaunted
(inaudible.. like i remember anyway)
(more inaudible)

Creed Sucks

Creed Guy: Alright...
Producer Guy: Alright, Mr Creed Guy. We need you to do a vocal track now for this next song.. called.. "Higher"...
Creed Guy: Oh, right.. um, do you think we could get... a wind-tunnel fan in here, because I just can't sing without the wind blowing through my hair. And I can't sing in this shirt. I can't have a shirt on while I sing... or at least a wifebeater...
Producer Guy: Yeah I guess that's... possible... if you really want that...
Creed Guy, interrupting: Yeah, I do.
Producer Guy, sighing: Okay, take one, "Higher".
Creed Guy proceeds to inaudibly belt out the vocal track in some sort of James Hetfield/Opera Singer hybrid style
Producer Guy, in shock: Okay that was.. that was GREAT, um... we're gonna run that through, we're putting that on the Titan A.E. soundtrack. Can you put a shirt back on please?
Creed Guy: Do I have to?
Producer Guy: And get this fucking fan out of here.
Creed Guy: (in too much shock to speak)
Producer Guy: And next time can you not do those moronic hand gestures? Stupidest thing i've ever seen. We're in a fucking studio, we're the only two people in here, there's no need for all these fucking hand gestures. You came within two feet of giving me a concussion. No more of this hand gesture crap.
Creed Guy: ....okay.. sorry...


the usual digression
unhealthy obseession
with the things you say to me
that false sense of security
needless to say
I sit here all day
safe in the radiation
that is your love
that is your love to me
sit breathe and think and never know
what could have been


something's wrong with this picture
something's a little off kilter


Sex, drugs and big white pants
what's the fucking difference
corellation and corruption
desire and dysfunction
irregular injection
for the fear of rejection
so dance the night away
yourself you will save
die a bright and funky death
disco sweeps the dead under the rug
Travolta's got nothing on heroin
needle in your arm and smiling
satisfy your carnal needs
on the dance floor
let's all reminisce
as that stupid ball hits the ground
die a bright and funky death
disco sweeps the dead under the rug

Oracle Ministry of Justice

Aaaaahhhh, slemenglnanaaahhh glenelngeanahaahh
abaadbadbadbabaabadaaa WAAAAHHHHH!


Those ribbons in your hair
your love is everywhere
cuz I get a kick
out of wearing a tuxedo
seems like you've got the choice
to whisper that sweet voice
and I know you love
to live without a care
so just go buy a clue
cuz I'll be missing you
as I stand here singing
and I'll see you in love
cuz we're on a jet plane to love
we're on a speed boat to love
we're on a tractor trailor to love
we're in a mobile home in love
we're in a garbage truck to love
we're on a tandem to love
we're in an '84 Ford F-150 to love
we're in that helicopter in love
we're in a wheelchair to love
we're in a hearse in love
we're in that limosine to love
we're in a horse and buggy in love
we're on a forklift to love
we're on a bobsled to love
we're on a mo-ped to love
we're on a hang glider plummeting to the earth at the speed of...


you're watching Dallas starring the guy with liver cancer
boy does he look like shit
but he's got lots of money
and he likes to screw people over
just to steal their money
the cast is huge, its full of ugly people
wearing really fancy clothes
what the hell is this show about, who the fuck knows
but it was really popular in the 80s
for some unknown reason 80 million people watched that stupid
episode where JR got shot.. I don't give a fuck
the acting is B-level but its got Patrick Duffy
so what would you expect from him
but he got to bang Suzanne Somers over and over again
you're watching Dallas


No lyrics


I'm in a classroom
Hey it's Charles Dutton
he's got a goatee now
he looks pretty mad..
"Don't you pull that kind of shit in here!" he said
so I moped, and I walked home
the field is burned down
everything's all brown and crispy
there's two sets of shelves in the middle over there
all by themselves
it's my brother's Star Wars stuff
with a giant R2D2 model at the top so I said "I'll be damned"
but I kept walking
the classroom had turned into a blacksmith place
but I didn't care, I still approached the angry old man
and I apologized
and he said, "That's alright, son. That's alright."
driving, plowing, driving, plowing
snowing outside, snowing rather heavily
trying to drive through this
there seems to be something wrong with my car
its so hard to see, everything's so white very white
but there's not much I can do
it's so white, I can't see anything
it's snowing so hard I can't see a thing
I'm in the middle of South St. Paul, what am I doing here?
oh no......
I don't have a fucking radiator!
standing, in the middle of the yard
Adam's there, standing around
wait wait, those dykes are trying to steal the stickers off my fucking plates!
fucking dumbasses
chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing chasing
choking choking choking choking choking choking choking
I got em back
I got my stickers back
Hey, I used to know him
fuck, damn that must've hurt quite a bit
just a little longer
just a little longer
don't leave me awake here alone
don't leave yet
don't leave yet
don't leave
don't go
don't fucking leave