Spite Makes the World Go 'Round

(side note: please bear in mind that Sir Weeze was 19 when he wrote most of this crap, so that will explain most of it)

Hi, I'm Here to Ruin Everything
Blades of Steel
Forty Six and One
Suck the Medley
Spite Makes the World Go 'Round
Torn Cartilage

Hi, I'm Here to Ruin Everything

I've found the place where I belong
I am healthy and a little strong
I don't understand the look on your face
I thought I was welcome, let me plead my case
I am here to ruin everything
Don't you like me? I'm a funny guy
Lighten the mood, my humor is dry
Yeah the weather's nice and sports are okay
But you'll bring me down to your level anyway
I don't follow your small talk
Meaningless but full of wit
A wit that will score points for the game
And that's all that counts for you anyway
I've found the place where I belong
I am healthy and a little strong
I don't understand the look on your face
I thought I was welcome let me plead my case

Blades of Steel

It's Blades of Steel, it's Blades of Steel
It's Blades of Steel, the Blades of Steel
It's Blades of Steel
The goalie gets pissed off when you score a goal on him
The other team waits patiently
While you celebrate your goal
Play the intermission game, it's kinda like Super R-Type
Hey, remember that game? Neither do I, but it was 1988
And there's three levels of difficulty
Don't put it on the hardest, or you'll be sorry
You'll get your ass kicked like, 35 to 5
What can you do, it's Blades of Steel, the game is lots of fun
What can you do, what can you do, what can you do, it's Blades of Steel, lots of fun
It's Blades of Steel! Yeah! Yeah!! Yeaaaaah!!!


challenging me (assimilation)
ridiculous demands (ultimatum)
I'll stay afloat (optimism)
who am I to begin with (recognition)
how do I know if I see you or not
if I've never tried to see for myself
make up lies to fill the gaping void
giving the illusion that I'm still human
and they're not too
pleased with your
feel the
need to
for their sake
self assured (realization)
I don't need you (proclamation)
time is with me (progression)
and it's not so easy (complication)
I've found
what I need
at last
while you're self indulged
in your
and your shameless self promotion

Forty Six and One

I see my shadows
Look, there's a nice eagle, look at the eagle
I like eagles
And then there's.. look at the moose on the wall
It's a moose
And there's a nice doggy
Doggys are funny
And then ??
Look what I can do, I can do this, look at me, I can sing
I've been eating my scabs again and they taste like pudding
I've been eating my scabs and its not good
And I see the shadows and they're on the wall and there's a chicken
Then over there there's a nice moose, but I saw the moose already I wanna see something different
oh look over there there's a nice squirrel
I like squirrelys
A squirrely bit me, and I didn't feel good
I had to go to the doctor
I don't know what happened after that
Forty six and one are just ahead of me


I have no desire
to play with you
I have an ugly fake smile
and a bad fake laugh
but I'm following the universal set of rules
giving verbal blowjobs
trivial knowledge and road directions
who's keeping score?
I feel good, so I win, and I feel.. good?
the serpent is born
embraced by all
unaware of the assimilations
unaware of those hypnotic glowing eyes
slithering, procreating
hatchlings raised to be
slaves to the system
the serpent is controlled
and it can't shed its skin
you don't learn how to play
you're born with some instinct
I don't really want to play this silly game at all
hang on, let me check the handbook on that
game over


No lyrics


recognizing which path I want to take
you can't control the stones I turn
waiting for
waiting for this fabled "one" to show her face
bridge across forever where will you start for me
several do not make one perfection
where is the explanation hidden in my reflection
kicks the old habits away and halt what's been done before
combining into one from what I see in all of you
trial and error assumptions every old cliche
bridge across forever fall within these ripples with me
several don't make one perfection

Suck the Medley

Revlon, Revlon
or maybe it's Maybelline
I thought I was buying Loreal
but I guess it was Urban Decay
This is the generic crappy metal band ballad
It's written in the disclaimer
that every metal band must do one
Dimebag Darrell hasn't touched the gain or tone knobs
on his setup in 15 years
God forbid we change just a little
We'll lose our fans
We'll lose them all
We can't disillusion them
We have to keep making album after album after album
of the exact same sounding crap!
We are whiny, we are weepy, and we'll kill ourselves right now
If you leave me here, oh baby, oh baby
Baby please come back to me
wait now, just wait
Put that pen down
I don't want you to sign that
restraining order just yet
Nevermind that I wanted to tie you up
and rape you repeatedly
We can put that behind us, baby
Please baby
Why don't you come back to my place, baby
I can serve you some fine wine, mmmm, yeah
No it won't be laced with crack this time
so I can knock you out for four hours
so I can make sweet love to your vulnerable body
Nothing like that, baby
No aluminum baseball bats to the head this time, baby
C'mon baby, yeah, that's right
Hi we are Rage Against the Machine
and we hate the media
oh how's it going Carson Daly
Yea I brought the anal lube
Don't you worry about that
We hate the Nike sweatshops
Why, that's a nice looking Nike cap there Mr. Guitarist
Some nice apparel
We are fucking hypocrites, yeeuh!
Oh baby baby baby, oh baby baby baby
Oh baby baby baby, so fucking boring baby
My stomach is deformed baby
Look at me, baby
I'm just a pawn used by agents
To sell records baby
All that matters is I'm famous baby
And I'm rich, baby
You whack it to my photos, baby
Oh baby baby baby
Oh baby I can pretend I can sing if I try
Oh baby then hand it to some producer who knows what he's doing
I don't write any music, I'm just a pawn
Used by executives
To sell records because I have a pretty face
That's right
I'm here to ruin music forever
then I'll disappear in two years
then I'll be on VH1's "Whatever Happened To?"
Oh baby, oh baby
Yeeuh? Yeeuh? Yeeuh? YEEUH!
What he said, that's what he said, and he said it


Some air
To breathe
Sacreligious suffocation
Sentimental sanctimony
the color


I have to scream
because it's what is expected of me
I have to whine
because it's what's cool at the moment
Sign me, sign me, sign me
We'll be the next big thing!
We'll sacrifice our future
for a million billion dollars!
Oh baby it'll be so great
if we just keep screaming
It's impossible not to stereotype
Self consumed, self consumed
I'm so pretty I could fuck myself
Give me no choice
Given me none


Hey everyone, we're Slipknut
We have 19 members
I'll list all 19 of them for you convienently, in order
Spoon and cup player
Sawing wood player
Trash can #1 player
Trash can #2 player
Trash can #3 player
Hammer player
Vacuum cleaner player
Microwave player
Toilet player
Hairdryer player
Toothbrush player
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter container player
NordicTrack player
Weightlifter player
Nintendo player
Ritz Bits Sandwiches with Real Peanut Butter player
Moped player
Light switch player
VCR rewinding player
We are Slipknut! Yeah
(side note: okay so I messed up, that's actually 20, slight oversight, PLEASE forgive me)

Spite Makes the World Go 'Round

I decide I have two choices
I shit on what they think
I'll show them!
I want me in their minds, all the time
Oh the things I'd do
To put me in their minds, all the time
When I grow up, I'll make a living of
putting them in their place!
I've reached the highest plateau
While faking a limp for sympathy
They'll think twice next time!
I've found my contrived simplified
idiot proof medium
My mechanism of spite
And all the glory goes to me
And people now think twice about ME!
"Gee, I guess we were wrong."
"What a swell guy!"
"People love him!"
And all the glory goes to me
Now what?
Ridiculous incentives aside, what do I want?
I am not the right, I am not the wrong
I am not the black, I am not the white
but I am a color, one color, my color

Torn Cartilage

No lyrics