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Organs and Committees
Meeting rooms

United  Nations

This will be the site of the Forum and all the organs soon. But the quicker you sign up the faster I feel we can start. Cause I will not start until I feel it is enough countries represented.

General Assembly

  • Special Political
  • Political and Security
  • Economic and Financial
  • Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
  • Legal

Economic and Social Council

International Court of Justice

Security Council

You only can write messages in the councils you have representation on. The councils are in the subjects, so the subjects are named in the name of the organs and committees. So it looks like this:

General Assembly
  • Special Political
  • Political and Security
  • Economic and Financial
  • Social, Humanitarian and Cultural
  • Legal
Economic and Social Council
International Court of Justice
Security Council

All business and agenda shall be outlined in each organ. And the GA should not meet until a committee gets a resolution to a problem.  I know this sounds hard but you get used to it.


Electronic United Nations | Introduction | Previous Speeches and Resolutions | Some links to help you | To sign up | Organs and Committees
Meeting rooms

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