~Scott D. Kerlin during a Math lecture *Er, maybe in retrospect that wasn't the best plan in the world...* "Learn the lesson that, if you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need is not scepter, but a hoe." ~Saint Bernard of Clairvaux *Those who do the work of God, are not the same as those who have great power. They are instead those who are willing to work the hardest for smallest results.* "We do the works, but God works in us the doing of the works." ~Saint Augustine *We do the things that are good. When we do them, it is through God's works.* "Some have been thought brave because they were afraid to run away." ~Thomas Fuller *Sometimes, the ones who stay and fight, do so because they are cowards who fear the greater bravery of retreat.* "Anything will become plausible, if you read all that can be said in its favor, and exclude all that can be said against it." Cardinal Newman *Forget everything you ever heard to the contary, the earth is flat. Now don't read anything that tells you different.* "The Holy Ghost give wisdom against folly, understanding against = dullness, counsel against rashness, fortitude against fears, knowledge against = ignorance, piety against hardness of our heart, and fear against pride." ~Pope Saint Gregory I *In other words. We have the wisdom to see the folly of our ways through 20/20 hindsight. We understand why most lectures are dull, though it doesn't make them any better. By seeking counsel we can avoid making rash decisions, unless of course you seek counsel from a rash person. Personally I think that foritude has nothing to do with fear, other than that it shows itself most promenently in fearfull situations. But if the Pope says so, I guess you're better off believing him. The only true knowledge is that of knowing exactly how ingnorant you really are. I forget what piety means so you're going to have to translate this one on your own. If fear defends us from pride, and fortitude defends us from fear, does fortitude defend us frome pride, or if we skip directly to it, are we prideful for not experiencing fear?* "Courage is fear that has said its prayers." ~Dorothy Bernard *One of my all-time favorites. The strength to conquer fear is God, and thus to be couragous is to pray.* "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in." ~Abraham Lincoln *I wonder if the South would have agreed with this one? From their perspective, I am sure that not only was Lincoln in the wrong, but that Lincoln was being very full of malice with his war.* "The rule of justice is plain, namely, that a good man ought not to swerve from the truth, not to inflict any unjust loss on anyone, nor to act in any way deceitfully or faudulently."~Saint Ambrose *A true code of conduct and honor. Need I say more? I think not.* "He who says that some lies are just, must be judged to say no other than that some sins are just, and therefore some things are just which are unjust: what than can be more absurd?"~St. Augustine *My question is this: When Justice has been carried out unjustly, has justice truly been served? Can Justice ever be unjust? I agree that what is unjust cannot be just, but justice does NOT, in my mind, imply justness. Can what is just every be considered an injustice? Yes, I believe it can. Justice is blind to the situation. Justice HAS NO FEELINGS. What is just has no relivance to what is Justice... Back the words of St. Augustine. Lies and sins are unjust, but there are instances when these unjust things may serve Justice. Could that really be? If one listens to St. Amborse, no, for his definition of Justice gives heart to Justice. But according to nearly every modern government, Justice has no heart. Which is right, Is there a right? I do not know. Maybe you do.* |