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2002 Course Schedule

1st Semester

English 101 - concert reviews
Photography - concert pix & more
Choir - lyrics
Computer - links
History - how it all began
Study Hall - help the Wilkinsons

2nd Semester

Newspaper - breaking news
Speech - quotes
Video Production - tv appearances
Modern Art - graphics
Band - bios
Geography - tour dates

Around the Building

Morning Announcements - updates
Lunchroom - talk to other fans
Your Locker - email pals
Principal's Office - about me
Library - magazine articles
Trophy Case - awards
Bulletin Board - trading post
Field Trip - concert info
The Yearbook - fan pix



Calgary Sun (September 10, 2001) - Anita Van Wyk

CALGARY -- If you stay home and watch the Canadian Country Music Awards on TV, you may miss some real gems.

While chatting backstage with the show's hosts, the Wilkinsons, they revealed there may be some shenanigans during the commercial breaks -- they're looking for revenge.

Though they won't mess with the live broadcast of the gala awards tonight at the Saddledome, they may use the down time to get back at people like Adam Gregory.

The young Edmonton star toured with the Wilkinsons. At one show, Adam and his band came out on stage when the family trio were playing, wearing nothing but towels and shaving cream.

"I told them we've been got by the best," laughs father Steve.

"Yeah, and they taped the towels on, so they really thought ahead," adds Amanda.

The big winners at last years CCMAs and nominees tonight for fans' choice, group and video of the year, were late additions to the hosting roster.

"It was a surprise when they called us on the road to ask us to do this," says Steve. "We said, 'Oh yeah, we'll do it.' "

Amanda adds: "We're flattered they entrusted us with this honour. Who would have thought five years ago we'd be doing this? It's caused a lot of excitement, but it's also caused nightmares of tripping on my barbie heels or something."

Tyler quickly adds it's a guarantee that he'll trip or something. Despite his clumsy nature, the teen is more worried about doing parts of the show alone: "What's going to be weird is not having them beside me. It'll feel like I'm naked or something."

The family has studied other hosts in action -- "Terri Clark is a scream and Paul Brandt is so smooth" -- but they're just going to be themselves and have fun.

"It's going to be like a family reunion," says Amanda.

"It's going to be a great celebration (the 25th anniversary) and I'm really happy we'll be here to be part of it," adds Steve.