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The Wilkinson's Unedited

Disclaimer: This is a truly made up story…if anything seems relative to real life it is just a coincidence. This story is just for fun so don't take any of it seriously. Thank you!

Chapter 10: Just the Girls

It's Saturday nite and Amanda, Lauren, Tracey, Mel, Kiaya, Danielle, and Michelle have all gathered in The Wilkinson's basement for a sleepover. The lights are dimmed as the girls are settled on and around the couch, watching "Wild America".

"Man that Devon sure is cute." Lauren *sighs*

"Not as cute as Jonathan!" Danielle pipes up

"I agree with Danielle!" Tracey says and the two give each other high fives

"I'll settle for Brian." says Amanda with a sigh

"You would!" Michelle giggles as Amanda throws a pillow at her

Just then the phone rings and rings and rings.

"Isn't Tyler going to get that? Honestly sometimes he can be so annoying." Amanda says while picking up the phone


"Hi, is Tyler there?" a female voice asked

"Yes he is, who is this?" Amanda asks curiously

"Crystal." the girl says timidly

"Oh Crystal, yeah I've heard about you. I'll go get him."


"Tyler!!!!!!!!!!! Phooooooooooooone! It's your girlfriend!!!!!!" Kiaya shouts up the stairs with a giggle

"Very funny!" Tyler shouts back and Amanda hears him pick up the phone so she hangs it up and goes back to her friends who are all watching this scene with curiousity, except for Tracey who looks upset.

"Kiaya, that wasn't very nice." Amanda says to her little sister

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. He's sooooo easy to embarrass! Besides, he teases me all the time!" Kiaya states in defense

"That's true." Amanda replies with a laugh

"So I take it Tyler had a good time on the date oh whoops not date last nite?" Mel asks

"I think so. He was in a good mood when he got back last nite." Amanda says timidly eyeing Tracey to see her reaction and all others turn to stare at her.

"What?" Tracey asks pretending to be engrossed in the movie

"Are you okay with this?" Michelle asks

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? We're just friends, it's cool. I'm glad he had fun." Tracey replies with a shrug

"Ok then...back to the movie I guess." Lauren pipes up and the girls go back to watching the screen.

Go on to Chapter 11